CoconutBattery V3.98 Vs 4.02 Battery Health Data

Yes, My battery is showing signs of decline & just now informs me of the much loved service recommended notice, so it is time to order a replacement, but when I checked CB I get conflicting info on the batteries health & temperature. CB v4 has removed the MacOS battery status health from the report... Pay no attention to 30% & 45% charged as the screenshots were taken some time apart, but it will fully charge way faster than 2.2 hours!). It still gives 2-3 hours of usage & I calibrate it monthly. Anyways, Just thought I would share.

(Monterey 12.7.6)

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@livfe - Did you post an message to Chris? The developer of the App? That’s what I would do. I still use the older release.

@danj Yes, I mailed him..... No software is without it's 'faults' (for lack of a better term)....

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