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2세대 iPhone. Model A1241 / 8 또는 16GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면. 첫 번째 iPhone보다 수리는 더 간단하며 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구 그리고 흡입 도구가 필요합니다.

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Error 23 When restoring. Brick or no?

Hello everyone,

firstly id like to say this place is awesome and amazing, a few months ago i broke the glass on my 3G, i went all out and bought the LCD kit and it worked fantastic, but alas, there's always problems.

What happened:

A few nights ago me and the wife were leaving the house for dinner, i had my hoodie on, had the iPhone in the front left pocket (big mistake) as im leaning down to get into the car, it slides out ever so gracefully, hitting the car door and falling to the ground. I yell crap, and pick it up, press the hold button, comes on, no scratches nothing, it survived another fall. so i thought.

This morning, when i was waking up for work, firstly, i have a powerpad, so my iPhone has the powerpad case, i reach over and pick it up, 100% charge, i shove it in my pocket and head to work.

I pull it out to see how late i am for work, and nothing, it doesn't turn on, im pressing the hold button, the home button, every combo i can think of, its really making me mad. then it dawns on me, its probably dead (for what ever reason), i hook it up to my car charger, and the silver apple appears, i watch the road, few minutes later i look down, screen is off, so i assume it booted up. I press the home button, nothing. I press the hold button, it acts like its powering up again. Well, this goes on about 3 times. so i finally decide to watch it (im at work at this point of course) it comes on, then after a few minutes of where you think its going to fully power up, it looks like the lcd back light shuts off, and the screen slowly fades away, just like it had died.

Well, it only does this when its plugged in, when its not, nothing happens.

I was able to reboot it into recovery mode, the usual cord point to itunes, and itunes picked it up as recovery mode. I tried using firmware 3.1.2 as thats what i had, Error 23, i read somewhere that getting updated firmware might help. Error 23. Sigh.

Anything i can do at all? im using a crappy T-Mobile 239 slider crap. Going from iPhone to anything is like buying a Rolls Royce and driving a Toyota.

Is there any hope for her, or will i have to break out a shoe box say my good byes? so far from what ive seen, Error 23's are nothing but trouble.

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Not sure if you still check back, or get alerts from this thread.

But that's exactly my problem, what was your solution?


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Refer to my previous answer on this: What should I do if I got warned Error 23 from itunes?

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I had an 3G stuck in recovery loop, To fix, get a old HD do a fresh install of XP (do NOT install any other software), connect to the www download itunes and put the phone into DFU , you only need to hold the buttons for a few seconds, apopup will tell you your in DFU mode.

itunes should see your phone and tell you to restore.Do so.

You must have a completely clean system to fix this .

A $80 junker is now restored.

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is this just a solution for recovery loop or is it for error 23? most of us with this error will have tried dfu and restore... and the trouble shooting from apple..

Interesting! Do you know the reasoning behind this?

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Baseband chip is dodgy you have tried to flash Ipad Baseband on to Latest 3gs which was manufactured on or after 34 weeks of 2011. replacing basband chip will fix the problem.

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Hello i had the same problem and found post about bad battery so changed like it said and now the phone synced to itunes no problem and everything works just like new hope this helps (error code 23).

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I used RecBoot to get out of recovery mode after the iOS 7.0.6 update went wrong. It was stuck into a error loop where I could only see the 'connect to iTunes' screen, and then iTunes would not be able to restore (error 23).

Here is a link for RecBoot 2.0 (for Mac).


Google it if you need a Windows version. Beware, there are heaps of fake links out there so make sure it is RecBoot 2.0 you are downloading.

There are also plenty of youtube videos that will show you how to use it.

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