Why does my battery have such a short life?
Why does the battery has to be recharged nonstop?i have the tab for less than a year.how can i fix it?
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Why does the battery has to be recharged nonstop?i have the tab for less than a year.how can i fix it?
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get a new battery... yours is drained.
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It's new only one week old.
Mine is two weeks old.
Vague answer
yes it is but you need to change the batteries someone might have had it before you and used it so i would change the battier
My scales battery has been draining fast I changed the worst performing one last month which I bought from the owner of the product.
battery life can be influenced by a lot of things, first thing you should do is tune down your screen brightness. then check the manual for the first charge procedure, it usually involves fully chargin the battery. you can also have a look into installed apps as some run services which drain the battery. as last resort you can install an app like juicedefender to turn off internet and other power drains if you're not using them.
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Great help with choices. What is an app like juice defender?
My batterey on the Samsung SM-T580 tablet drains from 100% charge to 14% charge over night while turned off! It seems like some really poor design issue to me. Is there any hope or, should I simply sell this 6 month old tablet and try to find one that has battery performance like my phone?
It's not the battery. I replaced the battery on my Samsung tablet with another battery(yes I opened it up). But the issue still persist. Could be a mother board issue or a Samsung ploy to make us buy their new tablet,
You can train your battery to have a longer life. If your battery dies quickly it is because it is used to being charged too often.
Let your battery die (Completely) leave your phone off for as long as you can handle (1 hour should also do the trick). If you use your phone a lot or cannot stand having it off for too long at least 5 minutes should also work.
Then charge it fully to 100%
And that is it. You must continue this for a while. Remember not to charge your phone until it is absolutely necessary. I did this with my phone and it got to the point where my phone and I were as one. It charged as I got ready to sleep and it would last all through the next day. On the weekends I used it less and it would last from Saturday morning to Sunday night. It didn't even die anymore.== Heading text ==
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I love your tips, thank you sooooo much!!
You should never let your battery drain completely charge it when it first gives you the low battery warning and you can charge it every night if you wanted to it doesn't hurt it because it can't overcharge, the charge controller stops that you'll battery will last you much longer too.
Helpful, but letting my battery totally discharge sounds more logical. Imagine me a 75 year old battery trainer!
I figured out why my battery was draining fast through trial and error. Letting the battery drain to 0% and recharging did not help me, which was one posted solution that I tried. My Samsung Note 2014 Edition tablet battery had been giving me 7 hrs. or so of service before it would drain to 0%. Then all of the sudden, like a day later I was only getting 3 hrs. off of a full charge. Here's what the problem was and how I fixed my problem: The problem was that I was initially charging my tablet with the original wall charger and USB to mini USB cord with no issues. In the meantime, I had bought some generic chargers for when I might be in a different room and want to put my tablet on charge. It was when I was using the generic chargers that my tablet began draining fast, even though the generic chargers charged the tablet to 100%. Here's how I fixed the problem? I stopped using the generic chargers and only use the charger and cable that came with my tablet. Then, I had to take the tablet apart as if I was going to change batteries. There are many youtube videos that show you how to change batteries on a tablet. Then I simply manually disconnected the power plug from the battery (I did not have to physically remove the battery), waited about 10-15 seconds and then re-connected the battery in my tablet and then put the table back together. I restarted my tablet, went in to the Settings and opened up the Battery link. There it shows you how long you have used your battery since the last charge and how much time you have left. Immediately it said I have about 7 hours left, when before I could only get 3 hours out of the battery.
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often a bad battery connection will cause this by re seating the connection you might fix the issue. A bad connection will cause to much resistance and actually cause the battery to overheat and in extreme cases catch fire or explode.
If you are having this issue you will notice that your tablet/phone back will feel hot while charging . If you are using it for Facebook app for example or a intensive game it can heat up as well so test it when its off and connected to a charger.
also if you re seat the battery its best to carefully clean the contacts before you reconnect the battery alcohol and Q tip will work or you can buy contact cleaner at radio shack or a electronics store
Did all of the above. Mine Samsung Galaxy 3 Tab is losing charge after 24 hours with or without use, at least on the meter. I ordered a new battery, had apart, replaced, did factory reset. But even if powered totally off its sucking energy somewhere, and cant seem to find solution!
mike5402, the solution is to sync all the data you want on your new device (like pictures, videos, or any settings you might like) and then buy your new device. Then you can restore the data from your backup. But did you buy a generic charger and cable or you were using the charger and cable that came with your device? Most likely, the solution I just gave you will work. If the problem persists, then know the treatment phones, tablets and laptops deserve.
My tablet is not working because my battery low can you fix it pls my name is Aaron Senkayi serwadda my tablet has android it goes down a little bit I have to rebuild it
Here’s how to change the battery:
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Hi i have a Samsung galaxy tab a the 8 inch one it has 3gb of ram no s pen and 4200 mAh battery if your having problems with your device like reboot loop, a battery that drains every minute if your having a problem about reboot loop you have you need to check the box of the device sometimes you will see a 2 year warranty if the company can't fix it you need to blame them for the new update that they gave you for your device because that update is slowly breaking your device.
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I notice this too with the recent update how fast my battery is dying during the day. Are they doing the same as Apple hitting a certain amount of time and then killing the battery
Hi i have a chinese tablet Vido N80IPS….its battery drains quickly above 70% and drains slowly below 70% and sometimes when the battery is low i plug it in and then it says that battery charging is about 70 or 80 %…i get shocked..i even replaced the battery…but still nothing is helping….so plz help me out
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I had the same problem and I let my Samsung Galaxy Tab die, plugged in the charger and it said I had 38%. So I immediately unplug the charger and drain the battery again. Now it is at 18%, so I repeat until it at 0. Don't know what caused it but now it is fixed.
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when you say you drain the battery again, do you use the tablet to help it drain quicker till it dies and charge again or leave it on but take it off charge now and then as the % gets lower?
My battery drains so fast.its 100% within 10minutes its down to 40%
Have the same problem. I will never buy another Samsung. Its useless after a half hour. I then go to my 60 dollar cheap tablet that lasts for hours.
Jayne Steiner, I want details about your device.
I think you didn't give the treatment it deserves
Get an iPad. Solved my problem.
Seriously, I have 4 different Android tablets, 3 of them Samsung. Most of the time (9 out of 10) when I want to use them, they ran battery down while sitting idle. Never had that problem with my iPads (mini and 9.7”). I like Android, but that made me favour iOS devices.
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Calibrate your battery. First, charge it to 100%, then use the device normally like you would until it drains to 0%, then repeat the process 2 times. Your battery is calibrated. If the problem persists, then either the battery or the phone needs replacement.
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Everything says "charge with original charger that came with your device: - Well, what if it died or was lost? How do you get a replacement "original?
Alison Davenport 의
it dies because your using it to much
lola mcalla 의
Not necessarily. I use mine only for 5 min to get an update from a workout then turn the screen off until two days later then the same thing. By the time I get to the third time, the battery is dead. I don’t use mine for anything else.
Lulu 의