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Repair and troubleshooting information for the Suzuki FA50 Moped.

75 질문 전체 보기

Kick starter doesn't work

kick starter sounds like it is slopping - sounds like a ratchet when depressed.

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Tom, sounds like the gears are not lining up, or your one way clutch is not working right. You will have to disassemble your case and take a look at it. Make sure that the springs are properly attached. The manual for your moped is available right here and should help you out with that. The starter mechanism is described as "When the brake lever is squeezed, the kick starter lever is actuated 1, the kick starter lifter shaft rotates 2 and the kick starter lifter moves downward 3. By the movement of the kick starter lifter, the kick starter guide is pushed and the guide end is raised. Keeping this condition when the kick is depressed 3, the kick starter is turned by the kick starter drive gear 4. As a result, the kick starter moves to the left side of the kick idle gear 5 while being turned by the kick starter gear and meshes with the kick idle gear. The kick idle gear rotates and makes the crankshaft turn. The one way clutch as shown in the the illustration is incorporated in the kick idle gear. When the engine is started up, the engine revolution is cut at the one way clutch and it does not rotate the kick idle gear." Make sure your cable is adjusted properly. Hope this helps to get you started.

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