macOS Mojave 패치 버전을 설치하여 구형 Mac이 폐기되지 않도록 하세요.
Mac에 아무 Apple Mojave 업데이트를 설치하면 기기는 "무용지물"되며 HDD/SSHD/SSD를 삭제하고 다시 시작해야 합니다. 주의하세요.
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Christian Kim님은 저희가 세상을 수리하는데 동참하신 분입니다! 기여하시겠습니까?
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댓글 162개
I have a mid 2009 MacBook Pro. I’ve gone through this process. Everything has worked great, till I reboot. It gets most of the way through then it hangs up. I’ve let it set for hours and nothing. You have any suggestions?
After initial install, the computer cannot complete reboot without the patch “MacOS Post install” (see step 13 above). This will require a hard shut down (hold down the power button if it is stuck) and restart holding down the alt/option key until you can select the installer again. This time, do not reinstall the OS but click on the button on the side (or double click it), or select in the pull down menu.
This will need to be repeated for updates, if new updates also get stuck.
Hope this helps.
I have a Macbook 2008 with 10.7.5 on it and am being told that is the end of the line. Will this work on my Macbook?
Bill Hines - 답글
If it’s a white MacBook you can hack Mountain Lion and maybe even later with the OS X Hackers tools (which I’ve never used.) If it’s an aluminum 2008 MacBook, it is compatible with the Mojave patcher.
Luke L -