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지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법

지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법


[deleted]8 다른 기여자

최종 수정일 June 23, 2022

1 - 2 시간
커뮤니티-기여 안내서

macOS Mojave 패치 버전을 설치하여 구형 Mac이 폐기되지 않도록 하세요.

Mac에 아무 Apple Mojave 업데이트를 설치하면 기기는 "무용지물"되며 HDD/SSHD/SSD를 삭제하고 다시 시작해야 합니다. 주의하세요.

필요한 것

  1. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법, 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 1 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 아래 링크에서 Mojave Patch 도구를 받으세요:

    • http://dosdude1.com/mojave/

    • 시작하기 전에 ("필수 사항"에서) Mac 호환 가능성을 확인하세요.

    • 이 단계를 수행하려면 최소 16GB 플래시 드라이브와 패치 도구가 필요합니다.

    my mac got brick after update. i try to reinstall os high sierra. but cant choose the original harddisk. what should i do?

    Dennis Hanani Production - 답글

    do your disk appear in disk utility ?

    Antoine Moreau -

    my problem is another one. I bought a new MacBook pro retina in late 2013 that supports Mojave but no way I can install it. app store pushed me only Big Sur since it works on this model but it slows down and don’t need it. Right now I have 10.9.5 macOS and I only get errors where download a Mojave version from the internet. Since its new computer cleans no need for any time machine or backup just a basic Mojave update. How to fix that?

    Vlad Movila - 답글

    Same thing happened to me. after update. got bricked. having trouble re-installing system.

    Iain Cunynghame - 답글

    i have another problem and i don’t know if i can solved with this post. i bought a macbook pro 16, 2019, and only this model can’t support Mojave, so i don’t know if i use this Mojave Patched, i can downgrade my IOS form Monterey to Mojave.

    Miquel Marquez - 답글



    kiriv - 답글

  2. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 2 단계, 이미지 3개 중 1개 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 2 단계, 이미지 3개 중 2개 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 2 단계, 이미지 3개 중 3개
    • 패치 도구가 다운로드되면 .dmg 파일을 열고 마운트될 때까지 기다리세요.

    • .dmg 파일 안에 macOS Mojave Patcher 응용 프로그램이 있습니다. 두 번 클릭해서 응용 프로그램을 열어 주세요.

    • "macOS Mojave Patcher는 미확인 개발자가 제공했기 때문에 열 수 없습니다."라는 오류 메시지가 표시되면 (두 번째 이미지), 응용 프로그램에 마우스 오른편 버튼을 클릭해서 (세 번째 이미지) 우회하여 열 수 있습니다.

    What should i do if it says i can’t open it because it doesn’t answer?

    HØRIZON - 답글

  3. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 3 단계, 이미지 3개 중 1개 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 3 단계, 이미지 3개 중 2개 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 3 단계, 이미지 3개 중 3개
    • 이제 USB 드라이브를 포맷해서 패치 도구가 사용할 수 있도록 하겠습니다.

    • 16GB 이상 USB 드라이브를 Mac에 끼우세요.

    • 디스크 유틸리티 열기

    • 스포트라이트 검색창에 "disk utility"를 입력하면 나타납니다.

    • USB 드라이브를 지우고 macOS Extended (Journaled) 형식으로 포맷하세요. 드라이브 이름은 중요하지 않습니다.

    Instead of macOS Extended (Journaled), I have OS X Extended (Journaled). What does this mean?

    leiah henderson - 답글

    No me aparece la opción Extended...

    Job Elias Suarez Roman - 답글


    Il faut suivre les étapes 8 et 9

    Marc -

  4. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 4 단계, 이미지 3개 중 1개 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 4 단계, 이미지 3개 중 2개 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 4 단계, 이미지 3개 중 3개
    • 이 패치 도구가 귀하의 Mac을 지원하지 않는 경우 컴퓨터가 Mojave 패치를 지원하지 않는다는 것을 알려줍니다. 해당 오류가 표시되면 Mac은 끝입니다. :-(

    • 패치 도구 창으로 돌아가서 메뉴 표시로 이동하세요

    • 다음 단계는 Mojave 설치 응용 프로그램이 없는 경우에만 필요합니다.

    • "Tools"를 클릭하고 드롭다운 메뉴가 나타나면 "macOS Mojave 다운로드"를 클릭하세요.

    • 계속하기를 클릭하고 설치 프로그램을 저장할 위치를 선택하세요.

    • 우리는 설치 프로그램을 바탕 화면에 저장했습니다. 원하는 곳에 설치 프로그램을 저장하고 저장한 위치를 기억하세요.

    덕분에 정말 쉽게 설명해주셔서 그대로 따라해서 설치 성공했습니다. 넘 감사드립니다.^^

    Kyung Jin Park - 답글

  5. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 5 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • Mojave 설치 프로그램 다운로드를 마치면 macOS Mojave Patcher 창에서 Mojave 아이콘을 선택하세요.

    • Mojave 설치 프로그램을 선택하고 열기를 클릭하세요.

    • 이제 하드 드라이브 그림 아래의 드롭다운 메뉴를 클릭하여 볼륨을 선택하세요. USB 드라이브의 이름을 선택해야 합니다.

    • My USB 드라이브는 Macintosh HD가 아닙니다. Mac 하드 드라이브/솔리드 스테이트 드라이브/솔리드 스테이트 하이브리드 드라이브는 선택하지 마세요. 대신 USB 드라이브의 이름을 선택하십시오.

    • 작업 시작을 클릭하세요. 드라이브 속도에 따라서 완료 시간이 좀 길어질 수 있습니다.

    It is saying that it is unable to restore image ps I am using external hd

    Crowns Deckays - 답글

    A chaque fois, on m’indique que le patcher était une version non valide

    Khalid - 답글

    Même chose, version non valide.

    Une solution ???

    Xavier Van de Meersche -

    Avez vous bien la dernière version du patcher ? Car sinon vous ne pouvez pas installer les dernières versions de Mojave

    Antoine Moreau -

    I am stuck on “restoring image…” its been like this for about 3-5 minutes

    ziyad alyousif - 답글

    Out of curiousity how long does it take to copy the files to a USB if I am using Ethernet? It seems stalled after it remounts the target volume during copying?

    Jesse Bassett - 답글

  6. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 6 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 이 절차가 완료되면 USB 드라이브를 빼고 Mac을 끄세요.

    • Mac 전원 버튼을 누르고 회색 시작 스크린이 나타나거나 bong 소리가 나는 즉시 키보드의 option 키를 길게 누르세요.

    • Windows 키보드를 사용한다면 "ALT" 키는 option 키를 누르는 것과 같은 효과가 있습니다.

    • 첨부한 그림과 비슷한 스크린이 나타날 때까지 option 키를 계속 누르고 계세요.

    You don’t need an Apple Keyboard for this part - any USB keyboard will do, just hold down the ALT key, it does the same thing!

    Si Bob - 답글

    above is correct

    tr121 - 답글

    You dont need a wired keyboard. A wireless one would do. Just hold on to the option key.

    Jon May - 답글

    no me deja hacer la usb me manda error

    cobain2001que - 답글

    Dice: Cuando el proceso esté completo, desconecta tu unidad USB y apaga tu Mac.

    Luego dice: Presiona el botón de encendido en tu Mac y mantén presionada la tecla Opción en el teclado tan pronto cuando veas la pantalla de inicio gris o el logotipo de Apple.

    Desconecto la unidad USB y apago el MAC, luego enciendo el MAC pero en ningún lado pone que tengo que insertar la unidad USB.

    No tiene sentido. Aun así, deje la unidad USB insertada y encendí el MAC en el modo Startup Manager (Power Button + Option) pero no me aparece la unidad USB, solo un disco duro y uno del modo recovery.

    Alguien sabe por que?

    Cristian Udrea - 답글

    I only got a prohibition sign on the white screen at this point after it restarts. Anybody knows why?

    firehuntress - 답글

    i have the same problem y select my usb and charge until the prohibition sign comes out

    cgyc1990 -

    no deja instala, sale un icono en pantalla de que no hay nada en el usb.

    andresfernandezgomez83 - 답글

    After holding the Option key, I get a screen similar to the example, but only 2 options show up. ‘Master’ and ‘Recovery- 10.12’. How can I proceed?

    Kelci Ptak - 답글

    That’s because your patched USB isn’t recognized, retry from step 3 or try with another USB or SD card

    Antoine Moreau -

    My USB isn’t being recognized and I repeated Step 3 three times. Help! And it’s a brand new USB drive.

    lashawnchandler - 답글

    This happened with me. I boot my iMac normally, opened the configuration panel and choose startup disk. There it was the USB with the patch. Just choose it and reboot. Worked fine

    Mauro Cauville -

    USB Stick wird nicht erkannten erscheint nicht —> einfach herausziehen und wieder einstecken, dann erscheint er im Startbild

    Bernd Haake - 답글

    the patcher downloaded catalina instead what should i do

    Superhero Fan2.0 - 답글

  7. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 7 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 화살표 키를 사용하여 테두리 상자를 USB 로고가 있는 노란색 아이콘으로 이동하세요. 해당 상자를 하이라이트했으면 Enter 키를 누르세요.

    After it, i get to choose the language and i got a blank gray screen. What should i do?

    Rizky Arashid - 답글

    cuando le das al usb, directamente sale un logo como de prohibido. no funciona.

    andresfernandezgomez83 - 답글

    Ich hänge im Apple Logo mit vollständiger Ladezeile fest :( dauert es einfach nur lang oder hat sich mein MacBook aufgehangen?

    (MacBook pro 13 (Mitte 2010)

    Valerie Dahl - 답글

    Hi did you fund a solution?

    Hilaire Dimitri Menye Bekono -

    Hallo Valerie, gab es hier eine Lösung? Ich hänge auch an dieser Stelle.

    Dachs -

    Ich hänge hier fest - AppleLogo ohne Ladebalken oder ähnliches (iMac 2019)

    Dachs - 답글

    Hat jemand bereits eine Lösung gefunden oder kann Angaben machen wie lange es dauert?

    besttab - 답글

    mi rimane pagina grigia con simbolo divieto, come risolvere ? iMac mid 2011 (i5 16gb ram 512 video

    Emanuel C. - 답글

    Ciao, probabilmente non hai aspettato che finisca la copia di tutti i files: l'apparizione della finestra con i nomi dei files può indurre a chiudere l'app, perciò chiudila e verifica la fine del processo di copia.

    Giangi -

    I do not see the yellow USB icon, only my hard disk and another icon named Recuperation. My USB stick with the Mojave installer is still in its socket but was ejected before the reboot. Thank you for your help.

    Léo-Guy de Repentigny - 답글

    J'ai un MacBook Pro 6,2 donc compatible. Le système démarre sur la cle usb, la pomme apparaît ; le curseur parcourt la moitié de sa ligne et apparaît un cercle barré. Plus rien ensuite. Merci de vos avis
    I have a MacBook Pro 6.2 so compatible. The system starts on the USB key, the apple appears; the cursor travels half of its line and appears as a crossed out circle. Nothing afterwards. Thank you for your opinions

    Noël Dubau - 답글

    Bonjour Noel,

    As -tu Pensé comme demandé à étape 1 : à vérifier si ton Mac est compatible (dans "Requirements") avant de te lancer.

    Et ta clef est-elle bien une clef comme recommandé : 16GB USB 3.0 USB Drive laquelle doit être effacée puis formatée en macOS étendu (étapes 3 et 4).

    Pour l'instant je ne vois pas quoi d'autre pourrait empecher la copie du patch sur la clef.

    J'ai fait toute la manip étape par étape sur un Mac Pro 5.1 début 2009 avec Sierra, et tout a bien marché.

    Le tuto me semble pourtant très clair.


    Marc -

  8. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 8 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 클린설치를 하는 경우에만 8단계와 9단계를 수행하세요. 아니면 이 단계를 건너뛰고 OS X 이전 버전이 있는 볼륨에 설치하면 인플레이스 업그레이드가 수행됩니다.

    • 메뉴 표시 줄의 유틸리티로 이동하고 디스크 유틸리티를 클릭해서 디스크 유틸리티를 여세요.

    I can’t get any further than this screen. My cursor moves but it won’t click. Any ideas?

    it’s a late 2008 MacBook unibody, 8gb ram & 250gb SSD

    revolutionski - 답글

    When i click install I get a message that says there is already Mac os installer software in drive?

    Ian Braz - 답글

    Everything else was super smooth

    Ian Braz - 답글

    en réponse à Maurizio Mosctelli je dis :

    Pense Che il problema deriva dall'utilizzo della partizione ssd che è da 8GB anziché 16Gb come consigliato per la chiavetta USB....formattata macOS Étendu (Journalisé)....come indicato nel passaggio 3

    Marc - 답글

    Esa pantalla no me aparece, aparece la barra de arriba toda en negro, y las utilidades estan todas en el costado inferior izquierdo en un contenedor que no lo puedo seleccionar xq no me deja hacer click izquierdo :/ y moverme con las flechas y tabulador tampoco me deja, en conclusion , no sirve tu tutorial.

    canteroman oficial - 답글

  9. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 9 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 사이드바 메뉴에서 HDD/SSHD/SSD를 클릭하고 창 상단의 지우기를 클릭하세요.

    • Mac OS Extended (Journaled) 또는 APFS를 선택하고 HDD/SSHD/SSD를 원하는 이름으로 정하세요.

    • 일반적인 소프트웨어 시스템 업데이트를 하려면 Mojave에서 APFS 형식이 필요합니다. Mac OS Extended (Journaled)을 선택하면 시스템 업데이트를 전혀 받을 수 없습니다.

    • APFS는 High Sierra와 마찬가지로 End 2009 모델 이후 버전에서 작동합니다. 기기가 High Sierra를 원래 지원하지 않는 다면 (따라서 APFS로 시작할 수 없음) 복구 파티션이 없으며 재부팅 표시가 다릅니다.

    • 드라이브를 성공적으로 지웠으면 메뉴 표시 줄에서 "디스크 유틸리티" 단어를 클릭하세요. 닫기를 클릭하면 디스크 유틸리티가 닫힙니다.

  10. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 10 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 이 메뉴에서 계속하기를 클릭하세요

  11. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 11 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • Mojave를 설치할 HDD/SSHD/SSD를 클릭하세요. 드라이브를 선택한 다음 계속하기를 클릭하세요.

    At this step I get the comment “There is not enough free space on Macintosh HD to install.” I have a mid-2011 MacBook Air with 136 GB free on a 500 GB drive ( I upgraded from the original 250 GB). What could be the problem?

    cshop - 답글

    I had the same issue. Even deleted more files to make more space.

    Turned out i had to deactivate FileVault (took two days to decrypt), afterwards the installation went smooth, just as described here.

    Peterchen -

    You have to create a volume in the disk utility

    Naeem Green - 답글

    Hi there. I’ve MBP 13 2010 mid and installed High Sierra with the latest updates. I’d made all that steps and I’ve standing on at the progress bar loading stage. It’s moving up to the end and nothing happen. I don’t know how to be in this case. Can you help me? I don’t know what’s wrong. I’d tried this about 5-7 times and each times are same results. Also I’d made NVRAM and PRAM reset ⌥Option(Alt) + ⌘Cmd + P + R but it’s also nothing happen. I can’t start Mojave installation process

    Rustam Rakhimov - 답글

    Not sure if it's why I have an issue at this point but my icons look like external drives not the hardrive icons you have. My main disk has the hard rive.

    Ian Braz - 답글

    At this step my progress bar appears but never proceeds. Shows "About 19 minutes remaining" forever and then times-out. Tried it a couple times with the same result. Any ideas? Much appreciated!

    Vincent Pannepacker - 답글

    À cette étape, j'ai un message "Votre Mac requiert une mise à jour du programme interne pour pouvoir effectuer l'installation sur ce volume. Veuillez plutôt sélectionner un volume Mac OS étendu"

    Que puis-je faire ?


    julienmaillet - 답글

    bonjour, donnes plus d'info sur ton Mac et le système que tu veux up-grader. Autrement as-tu bien compris et exécuté les recommandations écrites dans les étapes 1,8 et 9. (surtout celles écrites en rouge)

    Marc -

  12. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 12 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • Mac에 Mojave가 설치된는 동안 편히 계세요.

    • Pro 팁: 설치 프로그램이 어떻게 일을 하고 있는지 궁금하다면 Command + L을 눌러서 설치 프로그램 로그를 볼 수 있습니다.

    Salut et merci pour toutes ces descriptions. L’installation s’arrête à 16% puis erreur signalée. Pourtant j’ai tout suivi à la lettre j’ai un MacBook Pro 5.5 mi 2009 donc normalement compatible… une solution ?

    JULIEN JU - 답글

    L’etape « bières et cacahuètes » …

    Y a pas à dire, on prend soin de nous sur ifixit !

    Karen - 답글


    Suite à cette étape j'obtiens juste un rond barré et le MacBook (mi-2010) s'éteint tout seul. Le processus d'installation a été jusqu'à la fin et s'est éteint tout seul.

    Comment récupérer ou réparer ce dysfonctionnement svp?

    Dom - 답글

    Sorry pour le post, je pensais avoir mis le doigt dans une faille mais il faut refaire la phase 6 et pour l'instant (étape 15) cela suit son cours.

    Dom -

    Même souci pour moi et là ça repart, un grand merci pour la doc et les commentaires :-)

    Isabelle Martin - 답글

    I got all the way through the steps and I get a message saying it can't be installed. Now my computer won't boot up at all.

    Shelly Marino - 답글

    Thanks for this it worked!

    Jim Wates - 답글

  13. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 13 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 설치 프로그램이 설치를 마치면 컴퓨터를 끄세요.

    • 6단계를 다시 수행하여 Mojave 설치 프로그램 드라이브로 재부팅하세요.

    • 이번에는 Mojave를 다시 설치하는 대신 Mojave를 제대로 실행하기 위해 필요한 패치를 설치해야 합니다.

    • 사이드 메뉴 또는 유틸리티 드롭다운 메뉴에서 macOS Post Install을 클릭하세요.

    Bleibt noch zu erwähnen, das nach dem Install ein Fehlerlogo erscheint, dann wie beschrieben runterfahren und starten.

    Sonny U - 답글

  14. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 14 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 드롭다운 메뉴에서 Mac 유형을 선택하세요.

    • 패치 도구는 자동으로 Mac 모델을 감지하며 이곳에 보여줍니다. 사용 중인 Mac 모델이 확실하지 않으면 여기에 나열된 모델 중 하나를 선택하세요.

    • 가능한 모든 체크박스를 선택할 것을 제안합니다. 모두 선택해도 나쁠 것은 없으며 나중에 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 게다가 Mojave를 제대로 실행하려면 대부분의 체크박스가 필요합니다.

    • 처음에는 모든 체크박스가 선택되어 있지 않습니다. 반드시 전부 선택하세요.

    • 패치용 드라이브를 (방금 Mojave를 설치한 드라이브) 선택하세요. 위의 모든 필요한 작업을 마친 다음에 패치를 클릭하세요.

    MacbookPro late 2011. RAM 10Gb. Patcher has stoped installing at about 65%. The wheel bellow stopped to rotate itself as well.

    How long time the patcher installation takes?

    However the manual is perfect and very helpful.

    Andrzej Gawron - 답글

    Bonjour . mon mac book pro 11.1 n’ apparait pas dans le modèle sélectionné pour installer les patchs

    aendil76 - 답글

    Même chose pour moi, j’ai un Mac Pro 5,1. Est-ce que je peux choisir 4,1 ?

    ferronic - 답글

    Kann mir jemand helfen? Bekomme bei Schritt 13 Fehlermeldung, daß keine gültige Mojave Kopie vorhanden ist. Für Vorschläge wäre ich dankbar

    René - 답글

    When you select the type of machine you are installing this on inside the Red Box, and the actual partition you’re installing on, the check boxes below will change to suit your machine. Some options will or won’t in available for your model. So wait until you choose the machine type then select below. Also there are newer patches that are not in this installer that will present themselves when restarted up and you have survived the initial system setup, the first time, and get to the new Desktop. Install those, when the process is done, it will ask if you want to reboot or not. “Reboot!” When you get back to the desktop, “Welcome to your new install of moʊˈhɑːvi!’

    FarmerBob - 답글

    Deregard the above diatribe. . . . This version has changes that I was not allow to made above.

    When you select the type of machine you are installing this on inside the Red Box, and the actual partition you’re installing on at the bottom of the panel, the check boxes below will change to suit your machine. Some options will (checked and greyed out so you can’t change it) or won’t be available for your model. So wait until you choose the machine type and the partition it’s going on then select all the available check boxes that you can. If your machine doesn’t need it, it won’t be installed.

    Also there are newer patches that are not in this installer that will present themselves when started up and you have survived the initial system setup and get to the new Desktop. Install those, when the process is done, it will ask if you want to reboot or not. “Reboot!” When you get back to the desktop, “Welcome to your new install of moʊˈhɑːvi!’

    FarmerBob - 답글

    ola. entra a la instalacion hasta un 20 por ciento y se cae diciendo q no se a detectado paquetes apropiados para

    la instalacion

    Álvaro Araujo - 답글

    Hola Álvaro, ¿qué mac tienes?. Yo estoy por empezar el proceso con una Macbook Air Late 2010 Core 2 Duo y me interesa mucho la experiencia de otros compas que estén instalando en estos días (julio 2022) y hablen en español como vos.


    José Luis

    sur ubi -

  15. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 15 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 모든 패치를 완료한 다음에 재부팅하세요.

    • 재부팅을 누르면 패치도 캐시도 재구축할 수 있으니 Mac이 자체적으로 재부팅할 때까지 인내심을 갖고 기다리세요.

    Remounting your new Mojave partition might be necessary.

    Peter C - 답글

    I’m stock at the first boot screen with a spirale progress bar seem not to move anymore …

    Hugo St-Laurent - 답글

    I have the same issu

    traore stephane -

    I’ve got the same issue. Has anyone found a solution to this?

    mitchell2794 -

    Same here, any solutions? Would remounting fix this as Peter C suggested? How would i do that?

    Maximilian Steiner -

    How long does the reboot can take?

    michael.segan1 - 답글

    Same problem any ideas

    djbigsy - 답글

    If you have a problem after first boot you need to use newest patcher not the one which is for download on this page.

    Mariusz Kozłowski - 답글

    where are these patches applied to? USB and the Wifi. Both are not working in Mojave. Have to fix.

    Great work!! Fantastic. Took a few tries to configure clover and kexts but, man it kicks.

    Just need to correct these two issues at the moment. USB2.0 and Atheros 9820 wifi. Used by accident Legacy Atheros Wifi patch

    The usb does not come up at all. No ports work. laptop. Using USBinjectall.kext. Thank you kindly

    maki koma - 답글

  16. 지원하지 않는 Mac에 macOS Mojave를 설치하는 방법: 16 단계, 이미지 1개 중 1개
    • 이제 제대로 작동하는 Mojave가 재부팅했을 것입니다. 수고하셨습니다!

    • 재부팅에 실패했다면 패치 도구를 다시 시작해서 패치를 다시 설치하고 재부팅하기 전에 "Force Cache Rebuild" 박스를 선택하세요.

    Completed all steps successfully, will not reboot into Mojave. Get blinking file. Internal drive is seen in disk utility.

    Macbook air 6,2

    Jason - 답글

    Same hare, exactly the same disapponting result.

    I have, as it seems, succeeded in installing Mojave on my MacMini 5.2 (mid 2012) following the instructions above.

    But: after the reboot (Stap 15) and removing theinstaller USB stick, al I get is the blinking folder icon with a question mark!

    Does anyone have a succession to solve this problem?

    Jaap van der Veen - 답글


    When booting into the MacMini startup manager the only choices I have is internet recovery or choosing a WiFi network.

    In target disk mode the MacMino does mount as an external drive and does seem to contain al usual suspects when it come to folders and files.

    Jaap van der Veen - 답글

    Works perfect on Late 2008 Macbook5,1. Dosdude is awesome! Love his patch work and software ease.

    siciliani24 - 답글

    Did not work for me as an update from el Capitan , it keeps "rebooting loop" (after multiple time "force cache" pach) .

    As "clean" install work's on external drive, but after "migration assistant" my files, again keeps "rebooting loop" .

    Now i stuck with a Mac doing nothing,

    I can run only the installer from "Startup Manager" ("option key" on rebooting)

    (MacBook pro 4,1 the same as video) - (formatted disks "mac os extended journaled")

    Can anyone help? Thanks

    [deleted] - 답글

    thans i install mac mojave

    i don't have breathing control in mac mojave

    سبحان رئوفی - 답글

    Hola buenas días, después de la instalación, todo perfecto, excepto la regulación del brillo, no me funciona.

    Muchas gracias

    Germàn Mayoral Rodriguez - 답글

    Bonjour au redémarrage j´ai un mdp user que je ne connaît pas car imac acheté aux enchères…. Comment installer en effaçant ce mdp ?


    Pascal Millour - 답글

    Trouver un notre système apples mac os x et cloner le demander as un ami etc... Puis recommencée l'application pour installer majove avec le parch

    julienjulien -

    For those that had an issue… I have a 2010 MBP that I tried this on.

    On Step 14: “Choose the drive for the patches (the one where you just installed Mojave). Click patch after doing all of the necessary things above.”, my drive wasn’t displayed, my only option was the thumb drive. If I rebooted to my HD, I got a circle with a line through it, indicating no OS.

    I was able to complete the install by re-booting to the thumb drive, opening Disc Utility, and “Mounting” the hard drive (click on your HD then click Mount).

    Once the hard drive was mounted, my HD showed up in the MacOS Post Install, and the installation completed successfully.

    Hope that helps!

    zoso777 - 답글

    hallo ich moechte mich herzlich bedanken für diese Anleitung.GREAT JOB hat alles genau so funktioniert

    andrea duerr - 답글

    OMG! This worked! I had older versions of the Adobe Creative Cloud software downloaded on my MBP early 2009. After sluggish performance for quite sometime, I did a total HD wipe and reset the laptop like brand new. However, when I went to download the Adobe Creative Cloud, ALL SOFTWARE WAS INCOMPATIBLE! I almost had a heart attack because I only use my laptop when traveling, to work! I’m a graphic designer! My laptop only goes as high as El Capitan OS. So anytime my Adobe software updated over the years, it would install newer versions until they were no longer compatible. But those last compatible versions were still on my hard drive. But of course, with a system reset, all that was gone! Thank God I stumbled on this tutorial. I had many headaches and hiccups following the instructions and after several days of missteps, I FINALLY got it right! Hallelujah! My Adobe apps are downloading to my system now. Phew! I’m about to leave a donation because this saved my mobility working life! ????

    lashawnchandler - 답글

    Nou het werk wel (iMac mid 2010) maar daar is dan ook alles mee gezegd. Bij het slepen van vensters is het beeld opbouw zo traag dat het venster zwart wordt. Zeker een videokaart probleem. Dus zet ik macOS high siërra er weer op terug.

    Jurgen Van leyen - 답글

    Top - alles geklappt - imac 12.1 darf weiterleben - super Anleitung

    j.schirrmacher - 답글

    Can one create a partition that runs Mojave on a 2020-2 27” iMac?

    anonymous 5120 - 답글

    Soweit Alles geklappt (iMac 11,2). Jedoch stimmen die Farben z.B. der Icons oder der Punkte in jedem Fenster nicht. Der rote Punkt zum Schliessen ist blau statt rot, der orange Punkt zum Minimieren ist statt orange hellblau. Auch das Google-Logo sieht komisch auch. Woran kann das liegen?

    Reto Zimmermann - 답글

    hast du das Problem schon beheben können ?

    nebocad -

    ich hab das selbige

    nebocad - 답글

    Thank you so much. Very clear instructions. Great work

    tivi - 답글

    ho fatto tutto correttamente ma quando provo ad a accenderlo si ferma ad una schermata nera, cosa faccio?

    Christian Villaviza - 답글

    Hat perfekt geklappt. iMac 8,1 hier, wird weiterleben…

    Michael Berner - 답글

    Merci beaucoup.

    Bonne continuation à vous tous

    Dom - 답글

    Mojave patcher tool is only showing my Macintosh SSD and Mac Mojave Patcher, not my newly formatted USB drive, so now what do I do

    Dave Clark - 답글

    24년 11월 현재에도 정말 유용하게 잘 따라해서 설치 잘 마무리 했습니다. 소중한 정보 공유 감사드립니다.

    Kyung Jin Park - 답글



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회원 가입일: 08/28/18

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I love how I’m being congratulated with “You’re Finished!”!!!

Peter C - 답글

I have a mid 2009 MacBook Pro. I’ve gone through this process. Everything has worked great, till I reboot. It gets most of the way through then it hangs up. I’ve let it set for hours and nothing. You have any suggestions?

jetjock256 -

After initial install, the computer cannot complete reboot without the patch “MacOS Post install” (see step 13 above). This will require a hard shut down (hold down the power button if it is stuck) and restart holding down the alt/option key until you can select the installer again. This time, do not reinstall the OS but click on the button on the side (or double click it), or select in the pull down menu.

This will need to be repeated for updates, if new updates also get stuck.

Hope this helps.

Douglas Lee -

I have a Macbook 2008 with 10.7.5 on it and am being told that is the end of the line. Will this work on my Macbook?

Bill Hines - 답글

If it’s a white MacBook you can hack Mountain Lion and maybe even later with the OS X Hackers tools (which I’ve never used.) If it’s an aluminum 2008 MacBook, it is compatible with the Mojave patcher.

Luke L -

Hi can i know whether Macbook pro late 2008 with el capitian will it work?

Alex - 답글

Replying to my own question. Yes it work . Today I tried. Thing is now after post patch. My keyboard won’t work. Guess I need a original Apple wired keyboard . Tomorrow I go office and try if that is so valuable maybe should buy from my boss

Alex -

can this be installed on a 2011 with an already faulty GPU or does the GPU have to be working for the first boot?

lewis Barker - 답글

yep it can work on a faulty GPU. I run it on a MacBook Pro 2011 17inch with a faulty GPU and it runs like a dream.

Anthony Kaisaris -

After I finished installing everything, My keyboard doesn’t work properly. I can press shortcuts, but I can’t type in Safari or other applications, but I can type in spotlight. I’m using 2009 iMac.

When I installed it first, the keyboard works well, but after installing Onyx and used the Onyx maintenance tool. After restarting then the keyboard shortcuts works, and I can only type in spotlight.

One thing I love about this patch, is the fact that I now have Siri.

So how can I resolve that keyboard issue?

Sarki Amada - 답글

Hi Sarki, I think I may have found the solution to your bluetooth device not working. Read this article here’s the link:https://blog.macsales.com/46143-macos-10.... You have to delete the Bluetooth P-list heres the steps:To delete the Bluetooth plist file, follow these steps:

Open a Finder window, and browse to /Library/Preferences.

Locate the file named: com.apple.Bluetooth.plist.

Select the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file and drag it to the trash.

Empty the trash.

The com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file will be recreated.

Go ahead and try using or connecting a Bluetooth device

I really hope that helps! If you have more trouble be sure to let us know and if you have sucess.

Marshall WahlstromHelgren -

Hello everyone,

does anybody knows if the bluetooth keyboard is working after installing the patched mojave?

Are there any issues with software that will not work on the patched mojave?

Thank you in advance for the replies

Marco - 답글

Running wonder on a macbook air 13 "mid 2011. Thanks!

eduardogunter - 답글

how can I uninstall the patches if necessary?

Subhy Omar - 답글


I installed the patch on a Mac Pro 2008 3.1 and I’m experiencing a lot of issues… Graphic issues even if my graphic card is in the list of compatible cards (Nvidia), Logic Pro crashing all the time. Wifi not working, airport card not recognized. What should I do ? Also, know that I installed the High Sierra patch before and it worked perfectly, I just had to change my airport card. I wondered if I can downgrade to High Sierra.

I must also give the information that I took out the SSD of the Mac Pro (where the system is installed) and brought it home to do install the patch and Moyave from my MacBook Pro. When I had the window asking me the model, I choose Mac Pro 3.1. Maybe this have an incidence on the issues I have.

Thanks for your help.

Innacity Man - 답글

I installed MacOS Mojavi on an unsupported 2011 Mac Mini to 10.14.2. Previously, I had upgraded the HD with an 256 SSD, and I am happy with the ability to upgrade. I even used the Apple upgrade to 10.14.3, without bricking it!

David Petersen - 답글

Trying this, but the tool won’t download Mojave - always High Sierra? Any ideas? I’m running a Macbook 5,1 with El Capitan.

Cho - 답글

Upgrade to High Sierra first.

rynousa -

Just to let you guys know if you have a working hard drive and you dont want to loose your data skip step 9. Theres no need to format the HDD the patch will work as an update.

Aron Jones - 답글

The article claims that you will have installed a fully working copy of macOS Mojave. That isn’t quite accurate. There are two important functions that are not working Quartz Extreme and Metal. You cannot used iMovie for one because of this deficiency.

John Donahue - 답글

That’s not true. I was able to run iMovie 10.1.12 (highest version for High Sierra) on Mojave on MacBook late 2008. Version 10.1.13 was closing when I was creating a project or importing media. Fortunately I had another MacBook with natively supported High Sierra and I just copied version 10.1.12 from there and it’s working!!!

Mariusz Kozłowski -

Hi! This is an original Mojave os? When i install it, i got an original Apple Mojave os?

Balazs Bota - 답글

Thank you for this great guide!

Can I just ask for clarification about the statement at the beginning: “Please do note that if you install any Mojave update from Apple on your Mac you will "brick" your machine and you will be required to do erase your HDD/SSHD/SSD and start over.” Does this mean that if Mojave is placed on an unsupported Mac, then things like automatic updates or future security updates released by Apple should NOT be installed on the device?

jlepawsky - 답글

I just installed Mojave on a 2011 iMac. It is running 10.14.3 and has taken an Apple update without bricking. Websites/internet/wifi/bluetooth/USB all run smoothly. HOWEVER, the system is VERY slow now compared to when it was running High Sierra. Objects moved across the screen create acid trail duplicates that persist for some time. Any idea what could be gimping the system? Please advise.

J Kanter - 답글

Received error message (macOS could not be installed on your computer) during installation on my disk that had apple installed MacOs High Sierra. I decided to do a clean install as the partition with the MacOs High Sierra wasn’t booting again. I keep getting the same error message after some time during installation. What do I do?

joerichlad - 답글

Installed Mojave on my aluminum 2008 MacBook 2.4ghz professor with no issues and it is running it perfectly! I upgraded to a 250gb SSD and that really gave it a boost.

My isight and facetime work work with no issues, in addition to the other onboard apple appps. 3rd party apps are working like a dream and it actually runs faster that El Capitan IMO. What an amazing different and I would like to thank the developers of this for giving our older macs some new life and features!

Todd Bates - 답글

How did you get this to work? I followed all the directions and it won't install and now my computer is not functioning.

Shelly Marino -

I have updated my Mac and it is now running 10.14.2. many thanks.

I see that 10.14.3 is now available but cannot update to it as it is “not compatible” with my machine.

Any ideas what the issue may be?

Martin Dalgleish - 답글

It worked flawlessly on my macbook air 11” mid 2011, on my macmini mid 2010 and even on my macbook white unibody!!!! All of them with SSD and memory upgrade (except for the macbook air, which runs on 4Gb RAM). Running smooth and no problems until now! Thanks for this patch, it gave new life to those old, but great machines!

Rodrigo Del Monaco - 답글

Encountering App Store sign-in problem. It appeared to keep on ‘un-sign-in’ although I had signed-in successfully. Purposely tried with wrong password and it appeared incorrect password error message. HELP HELP! WHY CAN NOT SIGN IN ?

Derick Chua - 답글

1. If App Store is running, quit the app.

2. Open the Terminal (you can search for it using Command-Space).

3. Copy and paste this: defaults delete com.apple.appstore.commerce

4. Run the command.

5. Open App Store, sign in, and hit retry a few times.

László Jóni -

After performing final patch, an error popped up saying the volume of Mojave is not a valid copy and rebooting the original HD does not boot succssfully. I downloaded the patch tool from the link provided. Any suggestions on the fix? I feel that my HD is unrecoverable at this point…

drummerboy - 답글

Installation went well on my macbook8,1. Late 2011 13” pro.

However, I had to go to disk utility to mount the ssd drive, then go back and install the patch.

And……the camera does not work nor does the screen brightness buttons. After multiple tries with terminal and terminating vcd and appleassistant, etc etc, I reverted back to High Sierra. No fix possible.

But, the guide above is very good and made my job easy. Thanks!

ted melville - 답글

Bei Schritt 7 nach der Auswahl des USB Sticks und der Enter Taste, komme ich in einen grauen Apple Start Screen der sehr lange läd und am Ende gar nichts mehr macht… was ist passiert? Was habe ich falsch gemacht?

Dirk Deichmann - 답글

I get stuck on a white screen with the apple mac logo after loading data from the USB, any advice

thanks in advance

Rabih Ibrahim - 답글

my macbook pro late 2011 do not display the boxes when turning on .

Mimi Tasani - 답글

NOTE: This will look absolutely terrible if your Mac uses a pre-Metal graphics card. If that is the case, you may be able to patch it with this: https://github.com/SpiraMira/HybridMode-...

However, I haven’t got it to work yet on an iMac 7, 1

Caleb Hester - 답글

Not worked with 10.14.5

Edgars Sējējs - 답글

Hello I’m pretty sure ive followed every step correctly but when rebooting the start up screen goes from white and loading to grey then it restarts saying there was an error…. any Ideas on how to fix this?

Nick Cochran - 답글

Hi guys! Followed every step on my macbook pro 8.2 late 2011, also followed dosdude1 steps to disable the dedicated gpu but when the laptop boots after the bar fills until half a circle shows and after it rotates for a while nothing happens. Also repeated the patch procedure but nothing happens. Im completely stuck and the laptop is unusable. Please help me!

Rimi - 답글

I’m having the same problem! Could someone help?

Perm Sauce -

If anyone’s boot screen stops halfway. Go to the maker of the patch’s website. http://dosdude1.com/mojave/ He has the most recent patch. It should boot normally after installing using the patch from his website.

Perm Sauce - 답글

This happened to me with the updated installer I’ve been trying this all day today. Crazy thing is, i’m trying it right now and i’m not sitting at the spinning icon. It’s just slowly progressing and I have my fingers crossed because like an idiot I clean installed this stuff so without access to another Mac I cannot get high sierra back lmao.

Cody Goodling - 답글

So I have been unable to get this to boot correctly. I’ve followed all the steps I have a mid 2010 13 MacBook Pro. Idk what’s wrong.. I’ve tried this so many times…

Cody Goodling - 답글

Cannot get step 14 to work please help

Alan Grayson - 답글

@ iFixit You guys need to update the download link for the Mojave patcher with the original link from Dosdude or close this thread completely because you are messing people’s macs with the old link. Thats what happened in my case. My macbook pro was stuck in boot and I had to redo the entire process with link from dosdude to get my mac working again.

Rimi - 답글

Dont do it it nearly bricked my iMac. Its shift option command + R to fix their unless guide.

Neon Jay - 답글

How long the patch takes to do the final reboot?

essam osman - 답글

Huge thanks for the tutorial, worked like a charm on MacBook Pro 8,1 late 2011 model.

Daniel Busey - 답글

Make sure everyone here uses the latest version of the Mojave patcher for 10.14.5 from dosdude’s website. Don’t use any old links posted in this guide. (I just updated the link in the guide to the latest version as of now.)

Luke L - 답글

While running the post patch, my he doesn’t show up in the ‘select volume ‘ option. Can someone please help?

Thank you!

Rahul Misra - 답글

You are simply fuct…

rynousa -

Does not work properly on iMac 2011 12,2.

Do not install it…

Milos Hovjecki - 답글

You too, are simply fuct…

rynousa -

In this patch is not availble few important apps, like monitor activity, about this mac, and Terminal. how to get Terminal back to work? iMac 21,5 mid 2010

Lukáš Pivoňka - 답글

You are fuct…

rynousa -

I install it on my iMac 27 mid 2010 and my colors doesnt work properly

Kamyl Borry - 답글

You are quite simply and totally irreversibly straight fuct, gangnam style…

rynousa -

I have installed on MacMini (Early 2009) successfully.

During the process I had face off with 2 problems:

1. The patcher app wasn’t capable to download the Mojave image file…after a couple of seconds the download has canceled. So, I have to download it from elsewhere.

2. After the successfull install I have realised Mojave couldn’t connect to AppStore.


If App Store is running, quit the app.

Open the Terminal (you can search for it using Command-Space).

Copy and paste this: defaults delete com.apple.appstore.commerce

Run the command.

Open App Store, sign in, and hit retry a few times.

László Jóni - 답글

Hi, I'm using MacBook Pro late 2011 will operate well

SERIES Infrastructure - 답글

In”bricked” the iMac and can’t find Disk Utility whenever I select “Command +R” at start-up.

Seamus Warren - 답글

I tried to install on MacBook Pro 2012. Patcher recognized version 8.2, so I chave chosen that.

As result after restart OS has stopped installing patches at about 80 percent of progress strip.


How long it should take?

Andrzej Gawron - 답글

You don’t need to patch the installer for a 2012, the 2012 MacBook Pro supports Mojave natively and will support Catalina this fall.

Jonah Aragon -

I tried to install on AirMac 2.1. I looked to complete the procedure. Now, I’m rebooting the machine and it is taking very long time. Is something wrong?

Yoiichi Yamada - 답글

I was able to install Mojave on a Mid 2009 MacBook Pro. HOWEVER, the audio doesn’t work and I also can’t increase or decrease the screen brightness. Anyone else having this problem? Please share if you know how to fix.

Xavier - 답글

Hey Y’all,

Just wanted to let you know the version of the patcher contained in this article is deprecated. The patcher downloads the 10.14.4 version of Mojave, but the version of the Patcher you have linked in this article can’t install the Post Install Patches resulting in a permanent hang on first boot. Totally fixable, I’d update the link to point at Dosdude’s most current version which installs and works like a dream! Just thought I’d let you know, spent awhile backtracking and fixing this after downloading the patcher from this article lol.



Quinten Larsen - 답글


i was wondering if this would work on both my Mid 2011 AMD Radeon HD 6770M, and my mid 2011 macbook air 11” i7. reading the notes and from what i read online it would be a bad idea to try on my 2011 due to the graphics but would this issue be fixed? would this issue update benefit my macbook air 2011 with the right click issue (you have to keep tapping the right side and magicly the option appears. thanks for the heads up in advance.

Adam Diaz - 답글

didn’t work on macbookpro8, 1 (intel 300 graphic) got stuck on reboot after installation.

soheil.burton69 - 답글

Hello I have done this with my MacbookPro8,1(Late2011) there is no problem I see since 2 weeks. There is a update for Catalina on settings. If when I click update it starts to download but I didnt finish it because I have scared about may I will have problems. Is someone tried it update to Catalina after this Mojave patch?

Einsitesin - 답글

moi ca me dit que c est pas compatible

Alex pitbull - 답글

Bravo guida perfetta. Aggiungerei che con una chiavetta usb 3 sul mio mac mini 2011 non faceva il boot. Ma usando una chiavetta usb 2 tutto ok come da tue istruzioni.

Ora ho un mac mini del 2011 con mojave

alessandro - 답글

I installed it on my iMac mid 2010 (graphic card ATI Radeon HD 5670 512 MB) but now I have troubles with colors (orange is blue for example) and when I drag the windows. Is the graphics card the problem?

albe - 답글

Did you get this resolved? I have the exact same imac and was about to use this patch to update for my son.

mandispring -

Will this also work for an MacBook Pro 16 (2019) MacBookPro16,1 ?

Gerard Dirks - 답글

A couple of things that I noticed: After the install (before the patcher, the screen on my MBA mid-2011 went white (since it could not reboot without the patcher). I did a hard shutdown and restarted holding the option key to get back to the installer for the post install patch.

Second, updates from both the patcher (for mitigating known update issues) required a restart which worked but the second time through with Mojave updates got stuck similar to the original install and required a re-post-install patching like before. This could be disturbing for folks who don’t realize this.

Douglas Lee - 답글

I tried to install the Mojave on an SD Card. Alle ist working finde until the Patch try to personalize the volume.

Error: “asr: Couldn´t personalize volume /Volumes/macOS Base System“

disk6 ejected.

Do you have any idea?

If i try this sd card on the other mac to install the mojave.

This will go to a grey page with an X in the middle. Now Error Notice.

marc.matzkeit - 답글


I successfully installed the patcher on my ssd for a MacBook Pro mid 2009. But after rebooting the computer, arriving on the “welcome" page (language settings), the keyboard and trackpad are not working anymore while it was working previously. Any idea to resolve this problem?


Sonia Yassa - 답글

I have El Capitan on my macbook late 2008 (2.4ghz). Are people upgrading to mojave for security reasons or added features in the Mojave update? Because I would assume that updating the Macos to a newer version will only slower your computers performance. Am I missing something?

Zouhair Najjar - 답글

no me permite descargar , se queda trabado en 16,5mb

fede_zabattaro_8 - 답글

I watched your tutorial on youtube,how to install MacOS Mojave on a 2010 macbook pro.

Everything went well until I reached the NO ENTRY mark. I stop the computer and restart pressing alt/ option button, it does not worked, the same sign appears to me.

Thon't work the no option + R for save mode.

What can I do? On El captain I used boot camp for windows, and it was the same( not open bootcamp after start computer, only if I gave restart.Now I can not restart.

Can you help me please?

Thanks a lot!

Rat Lorand - 답글

con il tuo aiuto ho risolto.Grandeeeeeeee

ferdinam13 - 답글

Salve, io vorrei fare il contrario:

installare El Capitan (10.11.6) in un nuovo iMac 27 retina 5K (nativo con Mojave 10.14.6).

Qualcuno è riuscito nell'impresa?



Hi, I would like to do the opposite:

install El Capitan (10.11.6) in a new iMac 27 retina 5K (native with Mojave 10.14.6).

Has anyone succeeded in the venture?



toni - 답글

Is there a way to clone the mojave patched drive the Apfs portion and the small boot one.

Marcel Jacques - 답글

I mean duplicate the entire drive

Marcel Jacques -

Hi there.

I need to have Lion installed on iMac 14,2. Since the machine was manufactured prior to Lion release, they are not quite in good terms, and iMac insists on not having Lion in :)

So I used another Mac to have Lion installed on an external and copied it into the non-cooperative one - no luck either, for it banned Lion from booting anyway …

Any idea on how to cheat them into some sort of liaison?


anka4400 - 답글

È il mio stesso problema.

Sembra che Apple non consente di installare un sistema operativo precedente alla versione installata al momento della vendita della macchina.

It's my own problem.

It appears that Apple does not allow you to install an operating system older than the version installed at the time of the sale of the machine.


Salve, io vorrei fare il contrario:

installare El Capitan (10.11.6) in un nuovo iMac 27 retina 5K (nativo con Mojave 10.14.6).

Qualcuno è riuscito nell'impresa?



Hi, I would like to do the opposite:

install El Capitan (10.11.6) in a new iMac 27 retina 5K (native with Mojave 10.14.6).

Has anyone succeeded in the venture?



toni - 05/04/2020


toni -

Well, actually we seem to have the same problem.

It’s a pity the developer included this limited number of OSX’s in the Patcher.

anka4400 - 답글

Is this like hackintoshing but for a Mac?

Neo [Gd] - 답글

hey i have a mackbook pro end 2011 ,can i installmas os mojave without any kind of problems?

joshua tang tong hi - 답글


osa - 답글

Hi, I have followed the procedure and successfully installed the patcher on my hard disk for a imac 2009. But after rebooting the computer, arriving on the “welcome" page (language settings), the keyboard and trackpad are not working anymore while it was working previously. Any idea to resolve this problem?

Please help to resolve the issue


tamil favourite - 답글



kaidou - 답글


Thanks for nice tutorial it went ok on my 2009 MacBook Pro 5.5. I some issue after installation. When I want to install postresql it fails through brew. There’s a problem with postintallation.

running bootstrap script ... child process was terminated by signal 4: Illegal instruction: 4

BuildError: Failed executing

/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/formula.rb:2013:in `block in system'

/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/formula.rb:1951:in `open'

any ideas how to fix it? Or maybe someone else has same problem? Thanks

Nikodem Górak - 답글

i have macbook pro late 2011, i have installed macos mojave via patcher and i used APFS boot to create but it wont to be install update

ali ariai - 답글

i have macbook 2011 , i have installed macos mojave via patcher its working good, but it will not install update, i used APFS boot also to create

ali ariai - 답글

Nice… very helpful steps

Apollo Nuñez - 답글

Installation sans aucun problème sur un MacBook Pro 5,4 Mid 2009 !

Installation sur El Capitan (pas de reformatage du disque dur) , résultat totalement fonctionnel.

Philippe Tacquenier - 답글

Is this patcher secure?

Paa - 답글

Hello All,


I did the last security update of Mojave (2020-004 I think) on my MacBook pro 17” (Early 2009) and now its restarts in loop. Any information about this?

PIC - 답글

My Bad !

Everything is explained in the section called “Additional Info” of Dosdude1 tutorial:

“After applying ANY system update via Software Update, re-applying post-install patches using your Mojave Patcher installer volume will most likely be necessary. If you install a software update and the system fails to boot afterwards, this is what needs to be done.”

My problem is solved.

Great job Dosdude1 and thanks to Ifixit! I am so happy to give a second life to such a beautiful machine!

PIC - 답글

hi! is there anyone that have done it in a macbook pro 13 late 2011? I wanna know if i should do it or not. I’ve 8 gb ram and 750 gb memory disc.

Gabriel Thomas R - 답글

I have a Macbook Pro 8.2 and now it works with Mojave. Thanks a lot.

I’m waiting for a german instruction to install Catalina 0:-)

the_musikfreak - 답글

hello , all is perfect , install and work on iMac 2009 !!! now the update box purpose me to upgrade to Catalina , can I do it without patcher , by the upgrade box ??

philgcham - 답글

I have a Macboock later 2009. Running El Captain.

I followed all steps but when i try to make bootable drive with Mojave patch it’s not working…

has anyone accounted this issue ? I need you help on this. thx a lot

manzi - 답글

Hallo zusammen! Ich habe nun den 5. Macmini 2009 mit dem Mojave Patcher bespielt - bisher lief es immer einwandfrei. Bei diesem mal aber funktionieren aber bei Starten die USB-Treiber nicht mehr.

Wenn ich vorher mit OPTION den Start unterbreche, dann ist noch alles in Ordnung, sobald aber die SSD das gepatchte Mojave startet kann ich das Land nicht auswählen. Mit Auswahl der SSD oder mit Neustart ohne OPTION werden alle 5 USB sofort ausser Betrieb genommen.

Ich habe die festplatte nochmal gelöscht und neu formatiert und wieder neu installiert und anschließend gepatcht, aber es taucht der selve Fehler auf. Hat jemand ein Lösung?

Kirk Aix - 답글

Bonjour est ce que ça marche pour un iMac (24 pouces, mi-2007) ?

2,8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

4 Go 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 Mo

merci d’avance

vincent.milin29200 - 답글

I cannot download the patcher. Could you provide a working link to download it?


Topp. Great Manual. Works without any problems on Macbook Pro 5,5 (mid2009) and also on iMac 8,1 (early 2008)

Thank you very much.

Detlef Kurth - 답글

Que se passe-t-il pour les mises à jour de sécurité ? Il semble qu’Apple ne les propose pas pour les macs anciens équipés de Mojave.

Gérald Tenenbaum - 답글

MBP5,5 - 2009

Thank you, it’s fine with driver Broadcom.

Toseba - 답글

Heya. I managed to install 10.14.6 on a SSD in a Mac Pro (early 2008). I followed through with the post install, installed security updates, repatched with the post install and everything is working… more or less.

The only issue I have is that the Mac Pro won’t boot on the first go. The Apple logo appears and looks like like it’s booting but then the screen goes black and nothing happens. I have to do a cold shutdown, wait a couple of seconds and the fire up the Mac again. Then the boot process works.

Did I miss something with installing dosdude’s patch?

Thanks in advance for any tips!

Michael K. - 답글

Hello I have an Imac 27 mid 2011. I followed your steps well. Everything works, but my screen no longer displays the color red. For example, on Youtube, everything is blue instead of red.

Can you help me?

Ariyanayagam Prof - 답글

It’s really weird, the other colors are correct ? try command, option and F5 at the same time to show the accessibility menu, I had the colors inverted once and I struggled to change it. Or I find something similar to your problem on the internet, I hope it will help you !


Antoine Moreau -

Hi, I have a macbook air 11” 2011, everything went smoothly, but impossible to install any of the app on the app store, is there anything to do or do I need to switch back to High sierra?

saimangkorn - 답글

Très beau tutto ça marche nickel sur mon mac 2010

Michel TANGA - 답글

Hallo, ich habe das OSMojave Patch auf mein Macbook Pro 8.1 installiert. Hat alles gut geklappt.

Nur friert die Maus nach einiger Zeit ein was aber durch drücken des Touchpads wieder weg ist.

Der Bildschirm und das Macbook gehen beim zusammenklappen auch nicht aus.

Ich habe bei den Einstellungen kein Menü für Batterie, kann es sein das mein MacBook meint es sei ein IMac?

Vielleicht kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?


Michael Blum - 답글

Does my Macbook have to be formated before doing this update or can I keep all my data?

Neckchemlü - 답글

It depend of what you want, read the steps 8 and 9.

Antoine Moreau -

mac book pro 2019 5.4 firewire 800 does not work… any solution? thank you all

fabio iurilli - 답글

I have a MacBook (13-inch, Late 2009) (without the Pro). I don’t see this on the works or doesn’t work list. Can someone let me know if this process for Mojave for unsupported Macs will work on my computer? thanks you

Vicki Conti - 답글

How to uninstall the hack and get back to how the mac was before it?

Manoel Lemos - 답글

I hope it will work on MacBook Pro 6,2 :-) 2010 15’’ MacBook Pro replaced C9560

Kevananda Wicaksi - 답글

Can I run Patch updates or will that brick the lap top??

biewel - 답글

MacBook 5,1, 256 SSD, 8 Gb, gestartet von ElCapitan 10.11.6: Top gelaufen, alles funktioniert, keine Fehler.

Zwei Bemerkungen zum Tutorial: unter Punkt 6, wie schon dort geschrieben, kann es sein, dass man Stick kurz raus und wieder reinstecken muss, er wurde bei mir nicht direkt erkannt. Bei Schritt 14 habe ich alle Patches genommen. Diese werden beim Schritt 16 “Reboot” automatisch installiert.

TOP gelaufen vielen Dank!

Bernd Haake - 답글

I’ve now successfully updated an old 2011 Powerbook and Macbook Air with this patcher. As mentioned already, if you do a software update with Apple be sure to re-apply the patcher. I’m heading over to donate. The developer of the patch deserves it.

Cliff - 답글

Actualice mi Os de mi MacBook Pro 2009 sin problema , lo único que e notado es que al abrir Spotify se queda la app en negro y lo mismo con chrome, a que se debe o que debo hacer para que se puedan visualizar ? Así mismo me pide actualizaciónes de aplicaciones sin embargo cuando actualizo hay un error que indica que no se pudo completar la actualización por error en el disco y se reinicia, hasta que de nuevo hago el proceso de activar el parche de Mojave de nuevo

Steff Em - 답글

Al final todo ha ido estupendamente en mi Imac de 27” late 2009. Si que es importante copiar las extensiones de la gráfica de Radeon que tengamos en High Sierra y pegarlas en la misma carpeta dentro de Mojave. Esto es sencillo y soluciona el problema con la gráfica ya que cuando comienzas a correr el Mojave los colores se invierten y las carpetas al moverlas, cuando están abiertas, generan fallos. Así que lo dicho. Aquí dejo enlace de vídeo donde se explica muy bien qué hacer.


Sólo me planteo una duda, una vez con el Mojave funcionando a la perfección, debemos actualizar a otras versiones como la Monterey? Yo he desactivado la opción de buscar actualizaciones, pero dejo ahí esa pregunta.

Felicidades por el tutorial y gracias.

Jos - 답글

MacPro early 2008. I’ve got it at the fourth Install. Actually the 3 first try I format my HD in APFS and it failed to boot. In the fourth I format my HD Extended (jouraned). Bravo to the Mojave Patch Tool.

Joseph Buis - 답글

Just a hint: at step 13 the button "MacOS post install" wasn't available instantly, neither in the side menu nor in the top menu. I could see it but I couldn't click it. After I clicked the "Continue" button like to install Mojave the next screen with the Apple conditions occured and the buttons "MacOS post install" were available both.

Michael Halbur - 답글

I upgraded my iMac 2011’s graphic card to a NVIDIA Quadro K3100M by nikey22 4096 MB. Will I have issues with this Mojave install? This is a metal compatible card. I wonder if I will need to install the “legacy video card” patch or more importantly, I don’t wanna hose my computer.

John Ghadimi - 답글

Hi, i cant patch the macOS Sierra.dmg. It is brightgrey and i must cancled.

What could be the problem? thx

archezi@yahoo.de - 답글

Hallo, Ich habe das selbe Problem mit den Farben… gibt es da eine Lösung ?

nebocad - 답글


merci pour votre réponse qui me permet de vous féliciter pour la clarté et l'efficacité, très pédagogique, de votre tutoriel concernant "macOS Mojave pour mac non supportés par apple" . je me permets néanmoins de vous adresser une remarque qui, de mon point de vue de personne encore peu habituée aux process informatiques, mériterait plus de précision. je m'explique : à l'étape 5 vous écrivez "Sélectionnez le volume formaté précédemment en cliquant sur le menu déroulant sous l'image du disque dur".

Et là, à cause de ce "précédemment" j'ai compris qu'il s'agissait de la clef USB formatée précédemment (à l'étape 3) or ceci s'est avéré erroné j'ai donc recommencé l'étape 5 en choisissant un des volumes formaté (macOS étendu journalisé) de l'HD de mon Mac Pro début 2009 - Mais sans retoucher à la clef dont je ne comprenais plus le rôle après l'étape 6 (éjection). Puis j'ai continué jusqu'à l'étape 9 où j'ai sélectionné un autre DDI. J'ai donc maintenant 2 OS Mojave sur 2 volumes différents. préciser donc si vous le désirez ce précédemment; Avec encore mes remerciements et félicitations.

Marc - 답글

Bonjour Marc,

Merci encore de nous faire parvenir votre retour, fort utile. En fait, la traduction française n'était plus à jour. Je l'ai mise à jour. iFixit étant un wiki, la prochaine fois que vous remarquez une imprécision ou une erreur, vous pouvez aussi effectuer directement le changement dans le texte. Merci encore et bien du plaisir avec votre Mac dans sa nouvelle jeunesse !

Claire Miesch -


Le lien sur dosdude1.com ne fonctionne plus. D'autre part, j'avais sauvegardé ce patch sur un disque dur il y a 4 ans, et mon Mac que j'ai reformaté m'indique que ce patch est incompatible avec lui (alors qu'il a fonctionné pendant plus de 4 ans...).

Avez-vous une autre solution ? Sinon, je vais rester bloqué à Snow Leopard de nouveau...

silvain1038 - 답글

Ho un mac book pro fine 2009 ed ho seguito i vari passi fino al 7; quando riavvio vedo solo il disco interno. Non ho usato una chiavetta USB ma un disco USB SSD in cui ho creato una partizione da 8GB (come se fosse una chiavetta). Ho provato diversi modi di formattazione ma non c'è nulla da fare. Il problema può essere la partizione del disco fisso al posto della comune chiavetta?

Maurizio Moscatelli - 답글

macmini5.1 not working

it states 12 Minutes Remaining. Than suddenly.

Mojave couldn't be installed on your device.

z-impi - 답글

Hi, do you know if this method is able for an iMac middle 2011? Thanks!

Luigi Talarico - 답글

Merci pour ce tuto que je m'apprête de réaliser. Mais avant de me lancer, j'ai cru comprendre que cela effaçait tout le disque, donc de tout perdre!. Est-ce exact?


walter.borella - 답글

Yes, dear Walter

Si le disque choisi pour l'installation est le même que celui qui contient ton précédent OS et tes données il est très recommandé de sauvegarder ( c'est à dire de copier l'intégralité de son contenu ou, mieux encore, d'en faire un clone sur un disque dur externe pour prévenir tout risque d'éventuel incident lors de l'installation du nouvel Osx . Ainsi tu pourras toujours redémarrer sur ton ancien systeme en cas de pépin.

recherche Comment cloner un disque existant sur un nouveau disque

Marc - 답글

It worked fine with my early 2008 Mac Pro, possibly due to upgrading my Graphics Card. It also lets me upgrade to Vetura, has anyone tried it?

Apostolos Tsirgoulas - 답글

No mames bro, eres la puta ostia

Mayo Arellano Carrillo Leyva - 답글

Bonjour Noel Dubau,

As -tu Pensé comme demandé à étape 1 : à vérifier si ton Mac est compatible (dans "Requirements") avant de te lancer.

Et ta clef est-elle bien une clef comme recommandé : 16GB USB 3.0 USB Drive laquelle doit être effacée puis formatée en macOS étendu (étapes 3 et 4).

Pour l'instant je ne vois pas quoi d'autre pourrait empecher la copie du patch sur la clef.

J'ai fait toute la manip étape par étape sur un Mac Pro 5.1 début 2009 avec Sierra, et tout a bien marché.

Le tuto me semble pourtant très clair.



Marc - 답글

Porfavor! Necesito ayuda!!! He reinstalado los parches pero los colores de la pantalla se ven totalmente cambiados, necesito el ordenador para trabajar, soy fotógrafo!



Israel Bermúdez - 답글

I am planning to do this, since I don,t want to change my portable, but Adobe Creative Suite does not work like before and the Adobe Creative Cloud only runs on Mojave. Did anyone install the Mojave patch on a late 2011 MacBook Pro and tried working with the Adobe Creative Cloud. Any issue after installating. I am afraid I wont be able to go back and reinstall all my stand alone sofware I bought in the past. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premioere, etc. So It's a big move. The suite might even work after installation, if I dont perform a clean install. Thank you, any of you tried the move

Godbout Me - 답글

I was gifted a mid 2010 MacBook Pro. It is in great condition and the previous owner did a couple of upgrades including two 4 GB DDR3 memory cards and a 1TB SSD Hybrid drive. There is literally nothing on this computer as far as files, photos, music, all of the things that usually take up hard drive space and memory. Only the operating system -- High Sierra 10.13.6 and any apps that came along with that. Of the 1Tb there is 998.9 of unused space, lol! I was hoping to upgrade to Mojave. Mostly because I have an autistic teen and wanted to be able to download some apps for him to use. When I read the physical requirements for Mojave it seems like my MB pro has it. I have searched countless websites and some say mid 2010 some say mid 2012 are the requirements. IF it is mid 2010 then I have everything one needs to upgrade to Mojave so I don't understand why I can't. I'm here because I tried following the steps to do it on this webpage and it didn't work. I tried saving to an external drive. There must be a way!

Cursis P - 답글

i have a IMac 2011 and I did the patch and it did it successfully but some of the colors are inverted like blue is orange and red is blue but all the other colors aren't inverted. HELP

Mason Gaubatz - 답글

I need help! I have a 2008. It gets through all the steps then stops and says it can't be installed. When I attempt to restart as indicated holding D down all I get is a white screen with a Grey circle with a line through it. I tried ctrl+R as well, nothing.

Shelly Marino - 답글

would this work on a 2017 macbookpro14,1

Veto Monroe - 답글

Thank you ! Worked perfectly for my mid 2009 MacBook Pro. It also corrected issues of the previous OS and now the device shuts down smoothly.

Savvas Hirides MDMScPhDFACS - 답글

Just installed it on a mid 2009 white Macbook 5,2 and the instructions were very clear. And the installation and patcher with updates works!

I just can't log into my account with Apple. So I'm using it as a guest. Thanks again DosDude1

Joe N - 답글

Ich habe das Patch auf meinem MBP17" early 2011 erfolgreich installiert. Am Schluß wurde ich unvorsichtig und habe noch ein Sicherheitsupdate vom APP-Store gemacht. Dabei hat es mir die ganze Installation wieder zerschossen. Also habe ich nochmal von vorne angefangen. Jetzt läuft es aber super. Vielen Dank dem Entwickler!

Reparaturfreak - 답글

I wonder if someone has cloned a patched working disk with i.e. Mojave on a more recent machine that supports that OS version.

I mean, is there any particular procedure where the patch has to be removed from the installation before implanting the new disk on the newer machine, or it has to be done thereafter, or it doesn't really matters?

BTW I successfully operate on a MBP 17" A1261 Early 2008 and Mojave runs quite well, even better than the Mountain Lion 10.8.5 which was running before...

Sanatkumara Sharma - 답글

When I performed all the steps and explored Mojave, I noticed that the screen brightness increase and decrease keys did not work, nor the volume keys, can you tell me how to fix it?

Mau España - 답글

Will it work whit a Mid 2010 27“ iMac in minimum configuration (3,2 GHz intel Core 3, 4GB memory and ATI Radeon HD 5670 512MB). I read something about the ATI 5xxx Series do not work, is that true?

Inva Sion - 답글

Hey Inva, the answer is below written in BLACK, but in french

***Étape 1*** Comment installer macOS Mojave sur des Mac non supportés par Apple

Téléchargez une copie de l'utilitaire de patch en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous :


Pensez à vérifier si votre Mac est compatible (dans "Requirements") avant de vous lancer.

Vous aurez besoin d'une clé USB d'au moins 16Go et de l'utilitaire de patch pour effectuer la procédure.

josephe marco - 답글


Pas évidant du tout l'explication.Bien sur il ne faut pas retirer la clé USB. Les explications aprés ne sont pas trop claires.Aprés plusieurs de galère j'ai réussi à installer Mojave.

Maintenant se sont les problèmes de fonctionnement es applications.

Bon courage

#Titanus82 - 답글

Hello, Thank you very much for the installation instructions. I have an iMac 12.1 and the installation went as described, but unfortunately after starting the system the blue and orange colors changed. Can you help me with this?

Daniel - 답글

I managed to fix the inverted blue and orange issue. I installed Mojave over existing High Sierra and did not install Video when installing macOS Patch Install. After restarting, the colors are correct. :)

Daniel -

Merci beaucoup pour ce tuto, mon vieux MacbookPro mi-2019 est maintenant en MacOS Mojave. J'ai eu quelques difficulté avec une ancienne Clé USB, mais aucun souci avec une Clé Usb récente. Encore un grand merci.

Didier Cecioni - 답글

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