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안내서를 참고하여 Sony Playstation 4의 전원 공급 장치를 교체하세요.
PS4에 연결된 전원 및 기타 케이블을 수리를 진행하기 전 모두 빼주세요
필요한 것
핀셋으로 각 모서리에 위치한 플라스틱 나사 커버를 조심히 분리하여 나사 두 개를 더 노출하세요.
What If my PS4 doesn't have the two screws on the side
I should imagine that plastic cover will come off?
How did you go?
Cary B -
Torx security 드라이버를 사용하여 PS4 후면에서 7.2mm 나사 네 개를 풀어주세요.
I only have two screws, those in the middle of the console.
Have you removed the plastic covers mentioned in the previous step? That will expose the other two screws.
same, here. there are only the middle screws, no covers or screws on the sides. and it sits pretty tight
turns out 12XX models are different. Look at this for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpr0z0ve...
This video guide is very useful, thank you. The disc drive itself is different than this ifixit guide too
Yes there is slight variations between the first models, and the second gen and on models. I have an original and only has the two screws in the middle, removal of the cover remains the same.
엄지 손가락을 사용하여 PS4 하단 케이스를 들어올려 분리하세요.
Joyeux dodjf ps4
핀셋을 사용하여 전원 공급 케이블을 분리하고 마더보드에서 전원 공급 장치를 연결 해제하세요.
What you need to do here is be patient. Do not pull the wires. Get some fine nosed pliers, wiggle the white connector from left to right in small movements and edge it out slowly. You can also use your nails one finger at each edge of the white connector to do this.
Its really hard but i managed it with both of the tweezers/pincers at the same time
1. Keep in mind to pull not too hard on the wires and make step 2 and 3 simultaneously!2. the straigt and wider tweezer to pull the white connector itself
(top and bottom grip)
3. the small and angled tweezer to pull the wires carefully
(as shown on the picture above)Another option, is to remove the screws holding it down, leave the cable in place and lift it out carefully, revealing the other end of the connection. The hidden side of the connection wire is easier to get a handle on.
9.7mm Torx Security TR8 나사 세 개를 풀어주세요.
41mm Phillips 나사 두 개를 풀고 브래킷을 분리하세요.
전원 공급 장치를 똑바로 들어 올려 PS4에서 분리하세요.
Retirar en vertical, derecho hacia arriba. Sino puedes doblar uno de los tornillos largos
Just got done with this part. It was a struggle for me to disconnect the cable from the PSupply side. It was easier for me to carefully remove the power supply first, using the HDD cover to lift the Power Supply in place and removing the l cable from the Motherboard side. Go slow with your fingers to wiggle it out slowly, when you have enough plastic from the cable casing expose, gently use pliers to wiggle it free. Try hard not to deform the plastic wire casing.
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Gonna do this tomorrow, I'm just hoping this is what's wrong with it.
A few months ago something popped in the system and I smelt a burning scent.
Bro,did it work for you?
I have same problem
I have same thing.
Just be careful when pulling up power supply on the left side facing you when Ps4 is upside-down.
Oui c’est exactement ça j’ai arraché un câble.
Est-ce que quand je vais commander le bloc d’alimentation j’aurais j’aurai un autre ?
Yes, that's exactly what I tore off a cable.
When I go to order the power supply, will I have another one?
@fazelslh cela va dépendre de la pièce que vous achetez. Lisez bien la description de produit et contactez le service clientèle si vous avez un doute. // This will depend on the part you buy. Read the product description carefully and contact customer service if you have any doubts.
Just received my tools and power supply for my ps4 and I replaced it just like the guidelines said but nothing happens but the same issues. Heard a beep, blue light came on, heard a click then back off again. Please tell me I didn't just wasted $70?
And have you resolve your problem ?
Any solution please helphaving sameissue and was considering getting a new powersupply aswell
When you ordered the power supply, did you receive the cables next to it?
flipping your ps4 upside down and apply weight directly ontop of the powerbrick may be a quick fix to your power problem
Jess Price - 답글
Thats what i did and it fixed the problem. Ty mate for sharing your knowledge.
I tried this trick and it worked for a few minutes but then it cut back off and won’t cut on again! tried the move again and it didn’t work twice. does this mean the power supply is weak or dead? should I buy another?
Thank you for the 411 , on the ps4
I did the flip over on my dinning room table left it upside down 5 minutes. It came right on , my six year old nephew can conquer fortnite once again. Signed tech service aunty paulina. Thank you mr price .
After unplugging the power supply, do i put the new power supply right back in or wait
ahmed31425 - 답글
Thank you very much, guide was amazing I was able to be up and running with my PS4 in about 10-15 minutes!
Does anybody know where I can buy a replacement power supply for the Cuh-1215A model?
Danny Yosh - 답글
hey im from new zealand and i was hoping if you could tell me what my problem on my ps4...... the day before my ps4 was working fine but then the next day i just couldn't on it anymore ...... then realize that i saw a cockroach in it and i took it out ....... i think it mess the power supply up but i was just wondering if it is the power supply or not .... before i buy a new power supply
For starters, just open it up and check all the cables. Normally cockroaches don't eat electronics but if you see any damage you might not need to look further.
Thank you for these tutorials! Tell me please, do these advices appropriate for all types of power supplies? The fact is that i have this model http://hardware.nl/power-supply/dell/dc4... and all efforts to replace it ware failed! Tell me please, what it can be the trouble! I will be very thankful for yr recommendations!
will the 200 ar work instead of the 200 er?
Ordered a power supply for my ps4 and it did not fix my issue so I'm thinking I got sent a defective part
Why not pull the plug from the power supply instead of the motherboard? I ask because my power supply didn't come with a cable. should it have?
Mines had a 4 wire plug and I accidentally cut two of them- what should I do to fix it or does it have to be replaced??
Really didn't expect it to work. I had a power surge that took out my apple time capsule as well as the PS4. Saw so many posts that suggested it might be something else other than the PSU. I had a blue light for half a second then nothing. Sometimes it wouldn't even give me that. However after replacing the PSU and following the instructions on the iFixit youtube video. I had the whole thing switched and working in about 5 minutes. Thanks so much!
So I tried to turn on my ps4 and heard the usually beep but almost at the same time I heard an electric popping sound. Would that be the power supply that needs fixing..?
This worked perfectly for me!
One of my long screws isn't going back in . Well is going in but if I try tightening it up it just spins for ever . Should this be a problem if I leave it out
andyb36091 - 답글
Hey I have the new model of the ps4 it don't have 4 screws so what should I do than?
I'm getting a PS4 from someone but I might just send it into Sony so they can see what is wrong with it I don't know what else to do with it right now
Cody green - 답글
Had a power issue and opened up the ps4 as shown. Everything looked ok, found a dead bug on the inside. Could be the reason for the Fan to go haywire. I put it back together and ran it and it ran fine for about 10min. The fan went haywire again, then the ps4 switched off. It powers on but USB ports don't work as well as the HDMI port. At a loss at the moment... going to have a burial for the PS4 tomorrow.
The T9 screwdriver doesn't unscrew one of the screws inside the console. The one on the top left corner to be exact
use tweezers to unsecrew
thanks for the guide, very useful.
I removed my power supply after I heard a pop sound and my PS4 shut off. It was only turning on the blue light for a second and beeped then back off so I figured it was the problem. However, when I put new one back in, I didn't notice that the metal clips had bent. So it did the same as before. Thought it didn't work. But then we aligned those metals and put the new power source back and it worked. Just throwing out there. Just in case someone does the same as I did.
i have the old model 1006A and in need of a power supply replacement, which model should I buy in order to change the broken one? ADP-240AR?
Just pulled.out the old one, trying to figure out the 4 pin 5 pin power supply to order mine was for 10 from the motherboard but 5 Pin into the power supply
This isn't directly related to the power supply replacement. I am travelling in a campervan/motorhome and have a 12V supply. I have a 12V TV and everything else but my PS4 is going to need an inverter to step up to 240V AC then the PS4 power supply step it down to XV DC. Does anyone know the internal DV voltage of the output of the PS4 power supply and whether I could remove that entirely and power directly from the existing 12V in my van? Thanks in advance.
Are capacitors in the power supply? this is what has gone on my ps4. turns on for 3 seconds then turns off. Any ideas if cold be fixed by power supply?
There are to possibilities. 1. You can fix it with replacing the power supply 2. There is a damage on your logic board but this is very uncommon.
thank you very much.
Got the blinking blue light, got it diagnosed, said it needed a new power supply. Bought new power supply from the link above, replaced the power supply, still nothing but a blinking blue light. Any ideas as to what to check next? It won't even come in in safe mode. Doesn't register that the controller is plugged in. It was dropped initially. That is what starts the problem. Any tips help. Very discouraged.
This might help you to determine if the problem comes from the psu or from the mainboard.
Do you know if it's possible to replace a 220V Power Supply to a 110V (or bi-volt) one?
What power supply fits for ps4 CUH1216b? Are instructions the same also for this model?
alessandro - 답글
Where do I need to look to find what power supply I need for my PS4?
Where do I need to look to find out which power supply do I need?
My Ps4 wouldnt power on at all. No light. No beep. Will not take a disc nor reckonize my controller. Bought a 4 pin powersupply replacement for it and after replacing the p.s. there is no change. Still totally dead. Which of the 4 pins is the 5 volt supply for the power switch? And any other tips are welcome. Ty
APU probably needs reflowing.
How to take the power supply itself apart
Hi I was wondering if you could help . Basically a few days ago I was playing on my PS4 and the power cut out . When the power came on I plugged the PS4 out of the wall however it wasn’t on . Once I plugged it back into the wall later , my PS4 wouldn’t turn on . When I press the button to eject the disk , it makes the regular beep noise but the disc doesn’t even come out . When I press the power button nothing happens either and the PS4 won’t turn on , please could you help .
Hi i have had my first gen since they first came out it has out lasted 3 pros now the power bank has failed me any suggestions where to buy 1
What tools do I need to open the power supply please I need help
Like what the name of the tools I need to take out so I can buy it I need to take out power supply
For the people having trouble getting the PSU out, be careful, on the lower left corner there's two long power "posts" so DON'T bend the power supply, just wiggling it directly up bit by bit, have patience and don’t force it. (They can be seen on step 7)
hello, wondering if anyone has repaired the powersupply before and knows where schematics are, or can advise where I find out part codes for the two transformers and the inductor. T1, T2 and L3 were damaged when the previous owner rage quit. Thanks guys
Keith Moon - 답글
How do i test my power supply with a multimeter
Not gonna lie just kicked my ps4 out of frustration from arguing with family. Now I need to try figure out the problem the blue light turned on when trying to switch the console off but then instantly turned off. Now blue light won't show wilst attempting to turn on unless if pull the power cable in and out.
When trying to switch console on not off***
I have problam with 5 volte who's can guide me to repair it