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  1. iPad 5 拆解, iPad 5 拆解: 1 단계, 이미지 1/2 iPad 5 拆解, iPad 5 拆解: 1 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 有传言说这台 iPad 里有新有旧。也许下面这些配置参数能告诉我们这台苹果从树上掉了多远:

    • 带有M9运动协处理器的第三代苹果64位A9处理器

    • 9.7寸多点触控Retina显示屏,分辨率2048x1536 (264ppi),并不是全贴合屏幕

    • 32GB或者128GB的内置存储容量

    • 800万像素1080后置 iSight摄像头+120万像素720p前置FaceTime HD摄像头

    • 802.11a/​b/​g/​n/​ac MIMO Wi-Fi + 蓝牙 4.2

    • Touch ID指纹传感器+三轴陀螺仪+加速度计+气压计+环境光传感器

  2. iPad 5 拆解: 2 단계, 이미지 1/2 iPad 5 拆解: 2 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 为了在第一时间做出拆解教程我们花了6个小时跑了大半个地球,到了澳大利亚东部和东京时区。

    • 首先,我们的专家朋友Creative Electron给我们提供了这次的拆解的场地,同时也提供了质量不错的X光图片。

    • 是的,看起来和原先的iPad Air非常像。

    • 外观方面也是几乎一模一样,但是眼睛会欺骗我们吗?

    My Ipad 5 is a day-old when the screen shattered. I was resting my arm on it. Are the Ipad 5 screens so brittle and fragile? The screen display had no support or whatsoever on the adjacent part of the front camera.

    My Ipad5's casing is Urban Armor Gear.

    Will they replace it, or are there instances that they will replace ir for free?

    Paolo Suelto - 답글

  3. iPad 5 拆解: 3 단계, 이미지 1/2 iPad 5 拆解: 3 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 在开始之前,先让我们确定这不是一个老的iPad Air换了新包装。

    • 全新的模具编号:A1822。

    • 把新老iPad放在一起,来看看有什么不同:

    • 没有了静音/旋转锁定开关

    • 麦克风从条状缩小到了孔状(为了防止进灰吗?)

    • 单排扬声器孔(更多孔=更壕?)

    • 还有一个你非常想知道的――耳机孔还在。

  4. iPad 5 拆解: 4 단계, 이미지 1/3 iPad 5 拆解: 4 단계, 이미지 2/3 iPad 5 拆解: 4 단계, 이미지 3/3
    이 단계에 사용된 도구:
    • 是时候来开始iPad的表演了:加热(愉快的交易时间#滑稽),撬,吸,重复。

    • 根据早前的信息,我们认为这台设备相比于Air 2更像Air 1,这里就是原因。LCD和触控传感器并没有用压合一体化的设计,并且可以分开更换,对于维修来说这是一个好消息。

    • 测试一下我们的新发现,我们用了一些时间把Air 1的屏幕元件换到了新的iPad上,神奇的是居然接口通用!我们随后会继续测试看看能不能点亮。

    • 我们使用了电池分离拨片把电池从主板上断开来防止任何...灾难

  5. iPad 5 拆解: 5 단계, 이미지 1/3 iPad 5 拆解: 5 단계, 이미지 2/3 iPad 5 拆解: 5 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 打开触控元件之后,迄今和Air 1最大的不同就出现了:Touch ID指纹传感器和相关组件。

    • NXP 8461A1,也就是那个在X光下扬声器附近的5x4的球形阵列。

    • 指纹识别,好评。维修困难,差评。每一个指纹传感器都和唯一指定(出厂)主板匹配。

    • 不过至少,这个按键还是物理按键(不像iPhone 7系列换成了电容式)。顺便看看按键下方的Lightning接口的排线分布

  6. iPad 5 拆解: 6 단계, 이미지 1/2 iPad 5 拆解: 6 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 来看看液晶面板,这次我们没有看到任何生产厂家的标识。

    • LG,你还好吗?

    • 在显示PCB的正中间,我们找到了Paraed DP655 ― 和Air 1上使用的LCD 计时控制器一样。

    • 在苹果的年度发布会上,他们说iPad 5配备了亮度更高的9.7英寸的视网膜屏幕。

    • 那我们的问题是:比什么设备更亮?看起来和Air 1的屏幕并没有什么不同。如果是比Air 2更亮那可能只是因为和Air1一样采用了分体式屏幕

  7. iPad 5 拆解: 7 단계, 이미지 1/3 iPad 5 拆解: 7 단계, 이미지 2/3 iPad 5 拆解: 7 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 还记得我们说的iPad 5有多像Air 1吗?我们没开玩笑,来分别看看Air 1和iPad 5。没有什么改变。

    • 深空灰色的是Air 1,只是有一个稍微大一些的Wi-Fi模块。

    • 银色的是iPad 5,然后...有更少的胶带?我的意思是根本没有差别嘛。

    • 作者留:其实这俩机器用了一样的胶,只是iPad 5的看上去更精美。很抱歉Air 1的胶带看上去不平整,其实是因为之前做拆解的时候造成的。

    • 俩台机器采用的相同的32.9瓦时锂电池,比iPad Air2的27.6瓦时和9.7英寸iPad Pro的27.9瓦时更多(但是全都被Surface Pro 4的38.2瓦时超过)。

  8. iPad 5 拆解: 8 단계, 이미지 1/1
    • 是时候来和一些硅打交道了!主板背面完全没有元件,所以我们可以把胶水大战放在以后。同时,这些是分布在主板正面的元件:

    • Apple A9 APL0898 SoC + 三星电子3RG1G10BM-BGCH 2GB LPDDR4号内存(iPhone 6s同款)

    • 现代 海力士 H23QEG8VG2ACR 32GB NAND 闪存存储

    • 2x 博通(Broadcom) BCM5976 触控主控 ― iPhone 5,5c,5s,6,6 Plus,SE和MacBook /Pro 触控板以及前两代iPad都采用此芯片

    • Apple 343S001441-A0 和 338S1213

    • NXP67V04 NFC主控,iPhone 7和Apple Watch Series 2同款

    • NXP 610A38 USB 充电 IC,同时出现在iPhone 7

    • Apple/USI 339S0038 Wi-Fi 模块

    So what's the dac chip is it cirrus logic too

    Roice Tiamzon - 답글

    NXP USB IC is actually part number 610A3B, not 610A38

    HandHeldRehab - 답글

  9. iPad 5 拆解: 9 단계, 이미지 1/2 iPad 5 拆解: 9 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 全家福!

    • 我们非常感谢Creative Electron招待我们还提供了披萨和咖啡。

    • 还有高质量的X光照片。

    • 还有他们提供的全新的iPad...

    • 更新:想要查看有关iPad 5与iPad Air 1之间部件兼容性的完整列表,请参阅我们的兼容性测试博客文章

  10. 최종 결론
    • LCD在前面板拆开后就可以非常简单的更换。
    • 电池没有焊接到主板上。
    • 就像前几代iPad,前面板用胶水固定。在维修的过程中有非常大的可能会造成前面板玻璃的损坏。
    • 大量的粘合剂把所有东西粘在一起。像前辈Air 1一样,iPad 5是迄今为止电池最难拆解的iPad。
    • LCD由海绵胶条固定,拆解的时候很有可能会造成屏幕碎裂。
    • 在拆LCD之前你不能拆掉屏幕的排线。
    수리 용이성 점수
    수리 용이성 10점 중 2점
    (10은 가장 쉬운 수리를 뜻합니다)

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Evan Noronha

회원 가입일: 02/05/15

223,564 평판

안내서 168개 작성하였습니다

댓글 39개

Digitizer or LCD compatible between the two?

Ryan Galvan - 답글

Digi and LCD compatible with the air 1?

jared - 답글

Yes, same as iPad Air

HandHeldRehab -

Do all the controls and cutouts (volume buttons, power, microphone holes, speaker holes, etc.) align in the same locations as the iPad Air? I'm hoping to be able to use my old leather smart case (which is no longer manufactured) for this iPad if I decide to buy it.

Zorin the Lynx - 답글

I'm going to guess that the Air 1 digi won't fit due to the touch ID button being bigger than the regular home button.

Brian - 답글

It's same since I compare with the air 2 home bottom

リセイシン -

Does the Air 1 digitizers work on this one ?

letsmod - 답글

I don't think so since he change from home button to TouchID, the size always are different...

Robert G -

The Good, you can transfer the TouchID to a new touchscreen, if you damage it.

Robert G -

1 or 2 gb RAM?

Loran - 답글

The iPad 5 has 2GB of ram, like the Air 2. The Air has 1GB.

James Michnya -

How many gigabytes RAM?

Loran - 답글

What wifi module is as always unknown.

Stiv Vert - 답글

What about the cases for this new iPad 9.7? Do the cases for iPad Air 1 fit it? For people buying this thing it's a really useful question!!!

vitaferra - 답글

Sorta. Not perfect but usable. I have a UAG folio style case and it works fine on both a 9.7 and an air 1

Curtis Jordan Lenox -

Most other sites citing iFixit's findings are misinterpreting them as implying that the new iPad is the same as the iPad Air, while ignoring the fact that it has the A9 chip instead of the A7, which is a huge difference.

iFixit's comments come from the point of view of disassembling and repairing the product, not from a performance or value perspective.

R Sriceso - 답글

To my knowledge this iPad is replacing the iPad Air 2 which has an A8X, not A7.

Martin Bergstrom -

I don't understand, why it only achieved a 2/10. In my opinion, the device should be a 5 or 6.

I repaired dozens of iPad Air 1 an i never had the feel that i could damage anything while removing the front glass / digitizer. Of course, it will take some time and lots of patience, but if you are working clean and carefully, there is not much of a chance for damaged parts.

Also i doesn't care about a non destructive battery removal. If i'm in need do remove the battery, then because i'm about to replace it. It doesn't matter, if the old battery will be damaged in this process.

To be honest. The batteries lasts very long. I have an iPad 4 and an iPad Air 1 by myself from almost day one. They will be used on a daily basis and their batteries are still very fine. The same for my "customer's" iPads. Roughly 9 out of 10 iPad repairs i did, are screen or digitizer replacements, sometimes a camera or the Lightning port is broken, but i never had an iPad with a dead battery on my desk.

Michael Slomma - 답글

Try working in education, you'll have lots of battery replacements on your desk. Kids use iPads for a class period then they all get put back on the chargers. These iPads are supposed to last 5 years but the battery is dead within one. Battery consumption is not covered under Apple's 1 year warranty and school districts cant afford Apple Care.

benjaminvikse - 답글

This model's digitizer and LCD will work on the Air 1.. but not the other way around.

Matt M - 답글

It was an awesome tear down! I have a question. The only reason I'm hesitating buying this is cuz it doesn't have the laminated screen can it be replaced with iPad air 2 screen?

Tony Moon - 답글

Air 2 wouldn't work because of the fused glass and LCD together. vs them being independent in this model and the Air 1

Matt M -

Who makes the gyroscope here?

T.C. - 답글

Guys, great post super helpful! Any idea who made the gyroscope in this one?

Jason Day - 답글

Jason, we found some more info on the gyro, but we're not 100% on who makes it. Let me know now to reach you if you want to discuss.

T.C. -

Hi T.C. -- feel free to email me at jayday6564@gmail.com; we can set up a time to chat if you'd like.

Jason Day - 답글

It this iPad affected by the a9 chipgate as well? Samsung vs TSMC

Yongbin Guan - 답글

I want to know if the LCD and digitizer are compatible for each other.My new ipad was filled with water and I would like to change it with the LCD of iPad Air 1.

luowenxing - 답글

Can confirm the screen is brighter than the Air 1, if a touch warmer.

Sean Hearrell - 답글

Touch ID is gen1 or gen2?

anonymous 1774 - 답글

Is the dac cirrus logic if not I'm not buying that

Roice Tiamzon - 답글


I just bought my Ipad 5 last week for my LLB course.

On the first day(night class) of my Ipad 5, the screen already retired.

I was listening to my professor intently with my Ipad on my left lap and my arm resting, and another instance was my Ipad 5 on top of the armchair and my resting on it. When the class finished, My Ipad screen adjacent to the front camera is already cracked/shattered extending to the home button.

Btw, my Ipad 5 is covered by Urbam Arm Gear casing (Ipad 5 edition). It passed the drop testing and all of their tests.

However, My Ipad 5 screen display broke when I was resting my arm on it which is comfortable and who doesn't rest their arm on an Ipad?

Is this covered by the warranty? I mean it wasn't accidental, I was doing my daily routine with no "accidental" damages.

The IPAD 5 is good, and I bought because it was cheaper and more practical for my course. With my Ipad retiring on its first day, I shouldve bought the Apple pro since the price of repairing is absurd.

Paolo Suelto - 답글

Feeling all rightMe have bad, after all the advances in technology also in that hardware update

ms li - 답글


Could you please measure the thickness of the glass screen? I bought this ipad and it broke more or less immediately. Would be interesting to know how thick it is so it can be compared to other Ipads, I really don’t think this is acceptable.

Tomas Andersson - 답글


Wondering if you. Guys can help direct me the correct way. I have a ipad 5th Gen that the Glass broke. I removed the glass and saved the digitizer but now I cannot find a Touch ID home button in replacement with the Glass. I read that the Touch ID won’t work from a Air 1 to the Ipad 5. I don’t care if the Touch ID feature doesn’t work. Just need someone to confirm the use of it from a Ipad Air 1 Home Button/Touch ID on a 2017 Model A1822. Thank You

Emmanuel Rodriguez - 답글

How much is the battery

scree #fanpage - 답글

Can you replace a shattered screen????

Bryan Spannaus - 답글

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