학생-기여 위키
자사 교육 프로그램의 멋진 학생들이 이 위키를 만들었습니다.
Tablet Will Not Power On
The tablet will not respond or show any sign of powering up.
Faulty Battery
If the charging cord is plugged in, and the light on the charging cord is on, make sure the charger is connected to the tablet. If the tablet only powers up when the charger is plugged in, regardless of charging time, then the battery is faulty. Replace the battery using this guide.
Faulty Charging Cord
Check to make sure the charging cord is plugged in. If it is, make sure the light on the charger is on. If the light is not on, and the charger is plugged in, then the charger is faulty. Consider purchasing a replacement charging cord.
Wrong charger
You may have the wrong charger. To ensure you have the correct one, inspect the plug on both the charger and the tablet to see if they match. If you have confirmed you have the correct charger, and it is still not working, read on.
Bad Outlet
Nothing may be wrong with the tablet. Try plugging the charger into another outlet, or flipping a switch to turn the outlet on.
Audio Distortion
You have trouble listening to sounds on your tablet.
The volume may be at the right setting, but the tablet may be muted. Using the settings on the tablet, remove the tablet from the muted setting.
Loose Headphone Jack
Test audio through the speakers, then test it using headphones. If the audio is only distorted while listening via headphones, the audio jack or the headphones themselves may be faulty. Audio that cuts in and out is often a sign of a loose audio jack, so make sure the audio jack is fully inserted in the tablet.
Slow/Delayed Zeki Tablet
The tablet is lagging on transitions and is not responding quickly to commands.
Overworking tablet
The tablet may be slow due to the amount of work it is trying to perform. Restart the tablet and try again.
Needs to be put back to “normal” settings
Restore tablet by resetting to factory defaults. Do this by going to the settings on the tablet, press "settings" and then press “Restore Settings”. (CAUTION: this will erase all current settings and restore it back to the original factory settings.)
The camera is broken
The camera is not working normally or at all.
Lens damaged
If the lighting and/or color are not normal or the camera is not working then the camera may be damaged. In this case the tablet may need to be taken to the store for repair. Follow the Zeki Tablet Camera Replacement guide to remove the camera.
Settings changed
It is possible that the tablet’s settings may have changed and therefore you may need to reset the settings. First go to the settings and press “tablet.” Then go to “Restore Settings” and then “Master Reset.” If this is the problem then the tablet might need to be restarted as well.
Zeki Tablet is Unresponsive (buttons and screen).
Pushing buttons and/or using touch screen does not have the desired effect.
Tablet is off
Before trying to work your tablet, check that the device is turned on. Hold the power button for at least 5 seconds and wait for the device to respond. If tablet remains unresponsive, read on.
Dead Battery
It is possible that the tablet’s battery has lost charge. Plug the device into a working outlet with the provided charger to see if the it gives a response. If the tablet simply does not charge, the battery is dead and you must replace it. Follow the Zeki Tablet Battery Replacement guide to remove the battery.
Broken Touch Screen
If there is a display but using the touch screen has no effect, try restarting the tablet. If issue lies with the actual screen remove and replace the screen, following the Zeki Tablet LCD Replacement guide.
댓글 16개
my zeki tablet will charge but, when I try to turn it on the screen that reads android is the only screen that keeps showing. How can I fix it to where the home screen shows?
Tim Beaver - 답글
sort of baffles me this site run by amateurs? first on the charging problem mine has a problem with the charger port , i have to pull the charging cable sideways to make contact because it was a bad port style decision on their part then there is no light to tell me if its charging . then theres the idea that changing the battery is as you call it easy yes easy if you plug a new one in but if soldering id involved that makes it a little harder for some people so you should not downplay that difficulty electronics are sensitive equipment remind people of that so they don't destroy their equipment.
godzilla7 - 답글
This site is helpful. I do also think that this rates beyond easy. I do soldering and it was not ,"easy", to learn. So, if you are someone who has no experience soldering, have another teach you, learn from the net, or have someone with experience take care of it. Please do not simply jump on in as you Will Ruin your tablet.
Brian Kelly - 답글
My tablet is locked due to too many password attempts I changed my google password but it says wrong password how do I reset my tablet
Tricia Miera - 답글
Press the power button on top left and exit button on the top rite until boot menu
appiers. To solect reset to factory press top button on rite to move up or down. To enter or solect press top button on left power button. Tablet will reboot and you can start fresh from factory. This worked for me. I forgot my security passcode and could not get past security lock.
beazie -