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Model A1320 / 8 or 16 GB capacity

156 질문 전체 보기

My iPod wont charge

Some fruit leaked in my bad and went into the bottom of my ipod where i connect it to my speakers or to charge, i'm off on holiday soon and really want to take it with me, i dont want to buy a new one as its specially engraved...can you help?

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Sophie Paxman, you should treat it like any other liquid damage. This means that you have to take it apart, and clean all the parts with isopropyl alcohol 90% or better. Use the guides from here to work on your iPod. Of course, the first thing you could try is to clean the dock connector thouroughly with the isopropyl alcohol. Make sure that none of the pins is bend, broken or has debris on it. Hope this helps, good luck.

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