Upgrade to 10.5 Operating system
My system is operating on 10.4.11. All new software and misc. are now requiring 10.5 or greater. I am computer literate but don't know how to go about this. Can It be downloaded? Can I do it myself? Apparently, I live in nowhere land and can't find a trained Mac servicer. SW Florida - Cape Coral...
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댓글 12개
What kind of Mac do you have? Do you know if it is Intel or PowerPC based?
Josh Calvetti 의
Q.#1: Based on the comment posted 17 hours ago by 'Calvetti' if I'm reading it correctly I can upgrade to Leopard. But am I reading it right? Apparently my system does not have an Intel processor.
I have an iMac G5 (2004?) | 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 | currently running 10.4.11...
If there is a disk to upgrade "my" system could you please supply the url? I've only located the 'Box Set' on the Apple site, but the requirements indicate Intel.
Q#2: Will I loose any files?
Q#3: If I can and do upgrade will all my software still run or do I have to upgrade all of that too? Ill, photoshop, flash, dreamweaver, word, excel, powerpoint etc.
This whole quest started when I wanted to get a camera for 'Skype' and the Intuit 'Quickbooks' (for Mac)...
Vanessa 의
Call the Apple store and ask for a sales rep. Explain you have a PPC G5 iMac and want to upgrade to Leopard. The rep should help you achieve your goal. Good luck. Ralph
rj713 의
Forgot to give you the number. 1-800-MY-APPLE. Ralph
rj713 의
First, a giant thank you to you all. I think I get it - although very confusing because you're all debating the facts. From what I've learned thru the muck of conflicting info, is that I need to purchase the full-install version of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. So the Answer to my Q#1 was answered... Let's explore my Q#2... will I loose files? I managed to find an Auth. Mac Tech locally, but the house call is pricey - he did indicate he would back-up everything before hand and do a diagnostic... then the sales pitch of course. If I do this MYSELF... Do I need to back up my entire system and all my files? I run two businesses out of my home and my files are ultra important! So... should I do an entire back-up before I "simply insert the DVD and double-click the Install Mac OS X icon"? Could it be that simplistic? Your wisdom and guidance is needed on this question the most! My Q3# was answered... I understand all my current software will work with 10.5.
Vanessa 의
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