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My screen doesn't work when I touch it

I dropped my iPod through a hole in my jacket and now when i touch the screen nothing happens. at first only the sides where doing this but now the whole screen is like this. What do i do? Can it be fixed?

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Jovan Joiner, since you mentioned that " only the sides where doing this " I would assume that your digitizer circuit has failed. You will have to replace the front assembly. Here is the guide for it and the part is available right here as well as many other places. Of course you also want to make sure that it is properly connected and the the connector as well as the logic board are properly seated. Ultimately I think that it is your digitizer. Hope this helps, good luck.

iPod touch (4th Gen) Screen 이미지


iPod touch (4th Gen) Screen


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my ipod 4g at first was fine but I dropped it and the bottom left of the screen cracked :(. But I would have to slide at the top on the ipod and that's how I would unlock it but now it wont work.... what do I do :(

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i dunno the same thing has happen to mine 2nd generation.I dont know why but the battery was dead and i put it on charge and it does not work.it happen 2 times already.Now is the 3rd time PLZ HELP;(

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Try Holding power and home it worked for me

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