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An upgrade of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, the Advance SP was released, in North America, on March 23 2004 with a square structure and clam-shell design.

164 질문 전체 보기

Problem, probably with the battery.

For my charger have broken, I just recharging the battery of my GBA SP with a universal charger. I do not know if the battery burned. When I put in the video game, nothing happens. I tested with an original GBA charger from a friend. The light "on" lights, no exit sound and the screen does not turn. Can anyone help me?

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What charger did you use before? Did it fit the connector properly?

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선택된 해법

Alexandre Fernandes Nicoli, there are a few things that could be causing this. The very first thing I would try is a new battery. Then check the connector, look at it closely and see if there is any definite damage, broken pins etc. If it looks ok and you have a new battery, see if it charges. If not then you have to take the GBA apart. check for lose connections on the charger. Use a multimeter to see if it gets power when you plug it in. The GBA has two fuses, marked F1 and F2 ion the logic board. Check those with a multimeter and see if you have continuity. Replace those as needed. Hope this helps, good luck

Block Image

Image shows F2. F1 is on the opposite side of the board.

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Im having a problem with my GBA sp The prongs that hold the battery and transfer the power one if broken anyone have a clue how to fix it? or a replacement idea

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