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Model A1213 / 8, 16, or 32 GB capacity

216 질문 전체 보기

Water got into it, I put it in rice, not working

I put my first generation iPod in my bag, went on a bike ride, not knowing my water bottle was open. I later discovered that water spilled and saw that water got into my iPod case. I checked my iPod to see if it was working. No response. I charged it, nothing. I put it in rice for two days. Nothing. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

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Nazaire Idoura, just like any other device that gets water damaged, I recommend that you no longer try to charge it or try to turn it on. Disassemble your iPod using this guide. After that, clean all the parts with a high grade (90%+) isopropyl alcohol. Use a soft brush to clean all the connectors. Look for any charred or missing components. Once it is properly cleaned, replace the battery and reassemble. then re-evaluate for any damage. Until it is cleaned, any answer will be a guess only

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