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How to fix a lens that won't open?

Camera was dropped and fell on the spiraling\telescoping lens and seems to have jammed the mechanism. Lens won't open or close and causes the camera to auto-shutdown.

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Perhaps be specific on which type of camera you have.

I have this exact problem right now. Fuji Finepix S1 was dropped from a 30 cm tripod. It felt on the lens and hasn’t turned on ever since. It only shows a short text for half a second, saying it has to be turned off and on again; and then goes off inmediately. It sounds as if it's something jammed though.

I have the same problem with my camera u know how to fix it

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This has happened on many Canon cameras in the past. Almost all of them I would say. There is an E18 error. If you carefully twist the camera lens, sometimes you can get it to jump a tooth on the gear mechanism that is used to open and close it. Sometimes when it is dropped it jumps the teeth on the lens and gets "over center" causing it to travel beyond it's normal range and get locked up.

Twisting it sometimes sets the round pinion gear back on the rack gear.

Other times it just breaks teeth off the gears or a shaft and you are out of luck anyway.

Also, if you send it back to Canon, they will repair it or send you a refurbished unit for a reduced price.

Check out this earlier post for more on the subject.

And this site dealing with the E18 error.

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nice answer +

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For point and shoot cameras, if you drop the camera while its on (lens extended) and the lens get banged, it if it won't retract, there is a good chance that its a goner, having extensive experiences with all sorts of point and shoots, if you can twist it to break it free or push it, the AF (Autofocus) system may not work as well and may not focus on anything at all. From here, you can do one of two things:

  • If its a fairly new camera, repair it, but the repair may cost just as much as the camera itself
  • or buy a new camera, because, like I said before, the repair would cost just as much as the original price.

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When my camera had this problem I looked for a broken model on eBay.

I found a model with a broken LCD but other wise powered on.

So I opened up both, removed the LCD from mine and put it into the eBay camera, the camera has worked for years after that.

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Well that's more of fixing the eBay camera, not your own.

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Can you help me. The camera was dropped and lens will not extend. Can I repair this myself.

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