Logic board is out I guess?
My Grandfather bought this machine for my Mom means alot to her and need your help. My Mother took it to a repair place and they said the logic board was out how can I tell and can you get me the parts? If its not the logic board will you take the part back?
Thanks, Greg
좋은 질문입니까?
댓글 9개
hi greg,
what problem does the iMac have ?
"logic board" can mean many things
markus weiher 의
Will not boot-up. The place she took it to said they tried a new power supply and still not booting up. There answer is to replace the power supply and logic board. The labor for this would be to much for her so I thought I would give it a try.
gregcorcoran 의
does the iMac react in any way whe you press the power button ??
markus weiher 의
No, but I can feel heat on back left of the machine. Could it be just some Capacitors?
gregcorcoran 의
it would be possible.
use the guides to open the iMac and look at the capacitors.
if they are bulging or having a brownish substanc on it, the are dead and have to be replaced
when you open the iMac and start it - you should be able to "feel" where the heat is coming from - but don't touch anything *bzzzzzz* ;-)
markus weiher 의
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