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The Kindle 3 was the 3rd generation of Kindle produced by Amazon. It was sold as a WI-FI or 3G model with 4 GB of internal storage.

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Lower half of screen frozen showing horizontal lines?

Top 1/2 of screen works fine. Lower 1/2 frozen. UGH!

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Bob, from your description, it does sound like a bad LCD. Of course, it could also be a bad cable /connector. But unless you open it up, it's just a guess. You could always add images to your question so that we see what you see. Check on here to see what is involved with that repair. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I'm afraid the at-home repair is over my head. A friend told me that if the item isn't returnable (it isn't) that repairing it will cost more than replacing. I'm just gonna toss it and move on without an electronic reader. I have lots of old fashion books I haven't yet read, so I'll forego modern technology on this one and return to the old reliable! The Kindle is just another thing waiting to break down!


Hey Bob, would just like to mention that rather than "tossing" that thing, you could probably sell or give it to someone else who might be happy to have it to repair or use for parts. Electronics recycling is also an option, not as good as reuse/repair but still probably better, in terms of energy usage and earth footprint, than putting in a landfill.

Just a thought. : ) Probably too late now, in this case, but anyhow ...

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