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4세대 iPhone의 CDMA 버전. 수리는 간단하지만 앞면 유리와 LCD를 하나의 유닛으로 교체해야 합니다. 16 또는 32GB / Model A1349 / CDMA 호환성.

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How do I get "verizon" back at the top left corner

At the top left corner of my screen is supposed to have "Verizon" by my 3G, and its not there anymore, it went away after one of my software updates

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this happened affter a software update from the carrier? strange. have you traveled outside of your coverage area recently?(ie "roaming") if so,have you tried shutting it off, re-powering it again?

sometimes after leaving the home area you have to re-register the phone to the home carrier.

it shouldnt affect the operation of the phone. if it is working fine i wouldnt worry about it.

however if it still bothers you as to missing the "verizon" logo in the corner, then it really is something that the carrier should be contacted for.

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all you do is go to settings>cellular>cellular data options>turn roaming off & then on again. BAM there ya go.

okay thanks but its been for awhile and I have tried everything to get it back! :(

is your device activated on their service?

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