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Model A1040 / 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 GB hard drive / four touch-sensitive LED backlit buttons above touch wheel

97 질문 전체 보기

How to if firewire only works for charging?

Hi, I've got this 3rd gen iPod which is not working, it shows a folder icon. My computer is a late 2011 13" MBP.

The weird thing is that when I connect it through firewire, it charges. That's it, as if my computer provided nothing but power. If I connect it through USB, it is fully recognized, but it doesn't charge and eventually runs out of bat. Once recognized, I try to restore it through iTunes but iTunes tells me it has to be restored using firewire...how, if firewire only works for charging?


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Once you have it restored, it will require a firewall connection to finalize the process. All you have left to do is to connect it to firewire. Once fully restored it should connect to iTunes via USB. Just remember that this model is a FireWire device and USB for data transfer only — no charging.

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Hello, I have the same situation. Mine gives me the same message "plug in to FireWire to complete restore however, I leave it plugged in to power over night and it's still in disk mode. Any tips?

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