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4세대 iPhone의 CDMA 버전. 수리는 간단하지만 앞면 유리와 LCD를 하나의 유닛으로 교체해야 합니다. 16 또는 32GB / Model A1349 / CDMA 호환성.

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How to re-enable phone

iphone is disabled

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Have you tried to restore it with iTunes?

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If it was running iOS 7 and has been disabled or locked, it can only be unlocked through the original Apple IDs iCloud account... Unless it has been locked by the carrier (which is different to the software lock mentioned)... then you cannot unlock it without going to the carrier. they usually lock a phone if its been listed as stolen or missing. the only option would be to unlock it with jailbreaking software as a workable solution, because it will be the devices IPN settings that are blocked.

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