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645 질문 전체 보기

e,d,c,3 keys not working MacBook

I have had this problem with my mac since i bought it.

The 3 e d and c keys don't work i currently use an external keyboard (I'm using it now) the only time it works is when i have the caps key on but then i can only type in uppercase i have come to the conclusion that it is a software issue from much research I'm using a new versing of mavericks.

If anyone can help that would be great.

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we have replaced quite a few key boards with similar issues with great success

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I do not think the problem is software.

But maybe a water damaged keyboard...

U have just 1 solution : replace the top case keyboard :

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i don't think it world be water damaged because when i turn on caps lock it works any other ideas?

have you tried with another account?

Have you assigned these keys to a keyboard shortcut?

i have not assigned these keys to a keyboard shortcut but i did reset them anyway but still no such luck but when i logged into the guest user it worked for a second then went back to not working

Try to press 5 times "option" key

Apple support

The keyboard connector has a limited amount of connections with the motherboard (which is far less than the amount of keys), so the keyboards are designed to assign certain traces within the keyboard to multiple keys, and depending on which circuits are shorted to ground upon a keystroke, the motherboard can pinpoint which keys have been pressed - so it could still be a hardware issue. I would try booting in to recovery mode (press command-R upon startup), and if the keyboard issue still persists within recovery mode, then you can safely assume that it is a hardware issue.

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