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906 질문 전체 보기

replaced screen now have a white screen

I recently replaced the screen and audio jack connection on my ipod classic, put it all together double checked all connections and the screen just stays white, I tried resetting holding down menu and center button, I tried resetting in itunes and the screen just turns grey and no luck, Im able to hear the click sound, play music and it works fine except for the whitescreen

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I've been having the same issue. The original screen in my iPod 6th gen has a big crack down the center but still works. I've bought 4 me replacement screens on eBay. ALL of them were stuck on white. I keep end up returning them and using my original one. Has anyone figured out a fix for this yet?

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선택된 해법

Adam, try the old screen again and see if it functions. Check your cable connection, make sure it is inserted straight. Also, make sure that use a Classic display and not an iPod 5th gen Video display. The white screen means that your backlight is working but you are not receiving any video signal. This may be caused by a poorly seated ribbon cable, a bad connector or a bad LCD.

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I no longer have the old screen because the cable was to broken to even get power, but this is the screen I ordered http://www.ebay.com/itm/330780260283?ssP...

The screen just stays white and won't even turn off, I updated the software on itunes hoping that might help but no luck again, I checked every cable a few times over and nothing

I am having the same problem, took it to a repair shop they tried replacing the LCD screen, but the same problem is happening

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I also had this problem, I replaced 2 screens. The first didn't light at all, was a cheap-o from amazon. The second screen was from ifixit. I was getting the white screen but everything else functioned. Where the LCD screen ribbon connects to the connector is a small, thin but wide, black piece of plastic. This locks the ribbon in place. I forgot to open the lock before I slid the ribbon in. Once I did this my problems were solved. Hooyah!

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My Fire has a lite screen but I can still read it . I think it is somewhere in thr settings. Don't know how to fix it.

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