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Samsung Galaxy S3는 안구-추적 기능, 늘어난 저장 용량 및 무선 충전 옵션을 갖춘 멀티-터치, 슬레이트-형식 스마트폰입니다.

459 질문 전체 보기

Mobile Water Damage-Samsung GT-I9300 not charging at all.


Accidentally, water spelt in to my Samsung S3 I9300.

I took it to a local tech. and he informed me that there is a water damage and he tried his best but failed in getting the device charging back. the device now working properly, accept it doesn't charge and nothing showing on the screen when connecting it through any kind of charging( i.e. wall charger or through pc).

Thanks in advance for your help.

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just to verify, you did replace the battery? what else did the tech do?

Thanks Anne, I will watch it.

Dear oldturey03, yes I did and the device now working except it does not respond to charging and nothing appears while connecting the cable neither on the screen.....the tech said he tried to clean it with chemicals...I disassembled by myself it after that but I couldn't figure out what is wrong LOL.


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maybe you should try replacing the charging port?

Samsung Galaxy S4 USB Board Replacement

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Let it run completely out of battery, remove the battery, let it cool, then put the battery back in, and let it charge completely before turning it back on. Limit your Data and Wi-Fi usage off-charger. If you see the battery plummeting, you need to put it on Airplane Mode immediately. Airplane Mode also helps charge the phone back up faster. If you feel your phone overheating, you need to stop using it until it cools. Taking off the back and any covers speeds up the cooling.

I know this from personal experience.

You might consider getting a new phone very soon. I suggest the S4 Active. (Waterproof up to a meter for 30 minutes)

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دخول الجهاز اس9300-المياه

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