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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

shut off unexpectedly, never turn on ever again


my nephew had a iphone 5c for christmas, only had it 3 weeks before it broke... it remained broke all this time.

i tried to interrogate him the best i could

i discovered he used his friends charger...

im pretty sure he said his friend also had a 5c tho

apparently the phone was still working 1 hour later,

but while he was browing the app store it suddenly shut off

he claims to have had 50% power left

ive tried charging the phone for over 10 minutes

ive tried holding power+home button

what are my options here

if i buy a new battery will that solve the problem?

or is the phone completly screwed now

it was brand spanking new from the factory so i dont see why the battery would be the issue

ill wait for responces before deciding what to do

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I have replaced and repaired near 40 iPhone 5c and have never had a problem with fixing them would rather have them than a iPhone 5 anyday(repair wise)..

Neguy when a iPhone chirps when pluged into a charger that means it needs a new display there's nothing wrong with the phone just needs a screen. When you popped the screen back in you must have damaged the ribbon cables..

Ok soya now I would say a new battery will sort you out it's not that expensive to find out..

A battery can get damaged when the phone gets smashed it might not show it straight away sometimes but can degrade and sometimes like you have experienced just shut off..

You could try apple for warrenty but because the phone is smashed it might void this but try your luck hope I have helped a little bit

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its my 4s which was smashed, my 5c is in perfect condition never been dropped or anything so very weird it dont work anymore but ill do as you say and buy a new battery thanks

i have an 5c and i have the same problem got the battery replaced and it still did the same thing but this time i wont turn back on at all is there anything else that could be wrong with it ?

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It would still be under warranty. I would pursue that avenue first.

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I agree with Brian. I own a cell phone repair shop and I now stay far away from 5C's. These phones are nothing but trouble. Literally just had a lady come through with her screen popped out of the frame, which I've seen this 4 or 5 times previously. I popped in the screen, and there is no life to it at all! Even plugged in a new battery and nothing comes up on the screen, but 'chirps' when I plug it in to the charger every 5 seconds. This is a huge problem I've noticed. Take it to Apple and hopefully they will replace it under their warranty.

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Hello, my iPhone 5 has turned off and now it won't turn back on, I've tried charging it for awhile and all it does is shows the apple sign for 10 seconds then turns off again. And it will keep repeating itself.. I have changed the battery and put a brand spanking new one in, and still does the same thing.. I thought it was the screen so I replaced the screen with a new one. And guess what it still does it...

Does anyone know what to do or if this has happen to you!!!?

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My iPhone 5C just did the same thing today and it's brand spanking new as well I was told to update the phone 6Ca are no good 5A or better is more better

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