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The first generation of the Chevrolet Equinox, a crossover SUV from Chevrolet based on General Motors' Theta platform.

115 질문 전체 보기

Heater core not good. Can I still drive it?

So my heater core is no good. I can hear the fluid and when I use the heat the windshield fogs up with an oily substance. But no leaking inside of vehicle nor any leaks anywhere. Can I still drive my car if I just don't use the heat and always keep the air to cold so I bypass the heater core. Can I still drive it?

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ronny muller, yes you can, but remember that you are losing antifreeze somewhere. So make sure that you check it often and that you do replace the heater core eventually. Or you can connect the supply and return hose together bypassing the heater core totally. Hope this helps, good luck.

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How long will the car run with that bypass

@boblac my old CJ is now on year 6 without any issues ;-)

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