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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

iPhone water damage , won't turn on.

I went to the beach and I got water on my iPhone 5c and it won't turn on any more, I tired to put it in rice but it isn't working.

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Gabriela Garcia, save the rice for cooking, it has no place in any electronic repair situation. The very first thing you want to do is to not try to restart the phone. This may further damage your phone. The next thing to do is to clean it. Disassemble your phone using this guide Then clean it with +90% isopropyl alcohol. Follow this guide, and even so it was written for a 3G all the points are still pertinent to your phone. While you clean your board, check for any obvious damage, like burned or missing components etc. When it is properly cleaned, replace the battery. All these steps are to avoid delayed failure caused by corrosion. Once all this is done, reassemble your phone and reevaluate. Hope this helps, good luck.

iPhone 이미지


Repairing iPhone Liquid Damage



1 - 2 hours

iPhone 5c Logic Board 이미지


iPhone 5c Logic Board Replacement



1 - 2 hours

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