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2.26 또는 2.4 GHz / 흰색 플라스틱 유니바디 인클로저

645 질문 전체 보기

battery problem and possibility of change

hi, my MacBook is the late 2009 one, the capacity of the battery is like 89% ( coconut battery), i saw recently that a new MacBook has a battery long lasting, something like 10 hours ( againsti 6 like mine) do you know if its possible to change with the better one ? is really the battery to be more powerful or an improved management of the power ? please let me know, im' really wondering if to change it!

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hi! ve just been to mediaworld ( a mac seller) and they said me that the long lasting of the new battery is not just for the mah , but for the different usage of electric power! battery costs 99 so i would really know if i should buy one or let it be! thanks

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Yes, they are interchangeable. See steps 3 and 4 of our teardown.

Want to know how to do it? Here's the guide.

For a list of the differences and similarities between the two models, trust EveryMac.

MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Battery 이미지


MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Battery Replacement



5 - 10 minutes

MacBook Unibody Model A1342 이미지


MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Mid 2010 Teardown



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You ninja'd the post from me! ><

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Yes, you can but it adds 7.5 grams to your MacBook.

The MacBook Unibody (Late 2009) sports a 60 W/Hr Li-Poly battery with a 7 hour battery life.

The newest MacBook Unibody (Mid 2010) has a 63.5 W/Hr Li-Poly battery with a 10 hour battery life.

As we said in our MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Mid 2010 Teardown:

"Lo and behold, the new battery works in the A1342!

You can get an extra 350 mAh of juice if you're willing to add 7.5 grams to your "older" MacBook."

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