Should I enable multi threading in BIOS?

Should I enable multi threading in BIOS on this machine?



Manufacturer Dell Computer Corporation

Model Dimension 8300

Total amount of system memory 3.00 GB RAM

System type 32-bit operating system

Number of processor cores 1

64-bit capable No



Total size of hard disk(s) 689 GB

Disk partition (C:) 63 GB Free (224 GB Total)

Media drive (D:) CD/DVD

Media drive (E:) CD/DVD

Disk partition (F:) 224 GB Free (466 GB Total)



Display adapter type NVIDIA GeForce 6200

Total available graphics memory 879 MB

Dedicated graphics memory 512 MB

Dedicated system memory 0 MB

Shared system memory 367 MB

Display adapter driver version

Primary monitor resolution 1024x768

DirectX version DirectX 9.0 or better



Network Adapter Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection



The gaming graphics score is based on the primary graphics adapter. If this system has linked or multiple graphics adapters, some software applications may see additional performance benefits.

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