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2006년 11월 북미에서 출시된 Wii는 인터넷 연결을 직접 지원하는 닌텐도 최초의 가정용 콘솔로, 온라인 게임과 Wii 숍 채널을 통해 게임 및 미디어 애플리케이션의 디지털 유통을 모두 지원했습니다.

289 질문 전체 보기

Wii accepts Gamecube games but not Wii games

My Wii's drive is acting up. It mounts Gamecube discs and reads them but Wii discs seem to get stuck.

Here is a youtube video showing the problem:https://youtu.be/twza31kKIjc

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my gamecube disks wont even load when i try to start the game....reads and spins with gamecube but wont load....... and wii discs wont read or spin. i ordered a new drive from those ifixit people. check this out

Why can't my Wii read game discs?.

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