Thoughts on data recovery through logic board replacement?
My MacBook Pro 13" hard drive died. Replaced under warranty, but no backup. Yeah yeah, I know.
The dead drive belongs to Apple now. The shop that did the warranty work said they will sell me the dead drive for $199.
The hard drive doesn't spin up, doesn't try to boot and fail, in fact doesn't answer at all. Nada, zip, zilch. The repair shop found the cooling fan was broken, so the hard drive damage may have been heat related. These facts make me suspect logic board failure rather than physical failure or damage to the media. What do you think?
The disk is a Fujitsu 250GB Model MJA2250BH Type FFS G1. Online, for under $65, I can buy a new disk that appears virtually the same, Model MJA2250BH G2.
Suppose I bought back the dead drive, bought a new drive online, and swapped the logic board. Have you tried this? Given the details above, what do you think my odds of success are?
Total cost of the attempt would be about $275. If it were less than $150 I'd go ahead and try. If I were looking at a clean room recovery for many hundreds of dollars I wouldn't bother. This falls in a huge grey area and I'd appreciate your thoughts.
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