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Repair guides for cell phones branded under the Microsoft Lumia name sold from November 2014 to early 2016. Lumia phones were also sold under the Nokia brand before 2014.

107 질문 전체 보기

My Microsoft Lumia 630 phone is stuck on air plane mode.

My phones power button is not working right, I can't get to air plane mode to turn it off, what can I do. It also won't let me swip up or down. It was working fine before this happened. Please help thank you.

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replace the button.....

you could root your phone (android) and download app that will act as power button

but that's $@$*!& way of doing...

or reflash your firmware (factory reset can also help)

first of all clean your phone (air in the can (or however you call it in English :D))

i preffer take appart and clean than repair the button than clean again and close up

(hit thanks if i helped)

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nokia lumia 630 flight mode no softwer solution its hardware

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