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2004년에 소개되었으며 2010년에 단종된 20", 23" 및 30" LCD Display.

99 질문 전체 보기

Is it the power board or logic board that fried?


I was trying to plug and unplug my Apple Cinema HD 23" to my iMac 27" using a cheap non-Apple DVI to Minidisplay adapter. At some point my screen started blinking, displayed yellow, then red, as I was playing around with the adapter to fix it. Right after the display died. The on/off LED doesn't light up either anymore.

The PSU is not to blame because my multimeter indicated 24V out of the PSU.

Also, that VR3 middle pin indicated 3.2V and its side pin 5V. What does that mean? That my logic board is not to blame? What else can it be?

My measurement is also successful in that test: http://s807.photobucket.com/user/budm/me...

What other points should I test to see where the trouble is? (If you could pinpoint where I should test the board, on the picture I'm attaching)

I don't find anything on the internet on how to take each component apart, is there any?

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First thing to do is try it with the correct adapter and a good cable.

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Hi there, thanks for your response. I did try with a working Apple adapter and a good cable, but the screen didn't turn on. I know that power is drawn into the logic board, at least until that VR3 spot, but then I don't know where to go afterwards.

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