Can I replace usb ports?
Both my USB ports got burnt out somehow, now not working.
What replacement options do I have? Can I connect a USB hub to the Ethernet port, or the MiniDisplay Port,
I am running Yosemite 10.10.5 and 8Gb RAM
Here are some photos of the logic board. I see no damage, but the USB ports don't work. Can anyone see any thing? Is there a simple tweak I could do to get them working again?
Update (02/01/2016)
I know the usb ports come out with the logic board, but is there any way of replacing them?
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댓글 3개
Yes you can replace the usb port if you can find the part, or buy a broken a1342 for parts. However, you may only need to re-solder the ports that you have. What do you mean by "got burnt out"? Was there smoke or did they just stop working?
Stopped working but smelled of burnout.
Simon G 의
Thanks for the insight Dan
Simon G 의