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처리 속도가 빨라진 iPhone 3G 개선 버전. 이 기기의 수리는 3G와 유사하며 간단한 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. 모델 A1303 / 16GB 또는 32GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면.

1502 질문 전체 보기

iPhone 4S Internals in a 3GS Housing - is ist possible?

Hey Guys,

I always loved my iPhone 3GS and nowadays more than ever before thanks to it's Retro Charme.

And I was wondering if the bumped up Components of an iPhone 4S could fit into the thick Housing of a 3G(S) to make it usable again..

I can solder and screw, so a few minor incompabilities should be no Issue☺️

Thanks alot if anybody can help

답변되었습니다! 답변 보기 저도 같은 문제를 겪고 있습니다

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선택된 해법

No, just forget it. I don't even know where to begin, so I just hope to fill 20 char.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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귀하의 답변을 추가하세요

Sebastian Daul 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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