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처리 속도가 빨라진 iPhone 3G 개선 버전. 이 기기의 수리는 3G와 유사하며 간단한 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. 모델 A1303 / 16GB 또는 32GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면.

1502 질문 전체 보기

replacing screen glass came without anything else attached

My replacement for iphone 3gs glass screen arrived but it looks different from the tutorial. The replacement glass screen doesn't have a wire like it shows on the tutorial. Should i send it back or try and use the old one from the broken screen

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Please give us a link to what you ordered and the part number on your invoice.

Thank you, Mayer. I looked at my email from my ebay transaction and this is the only thing i can find closest to a part number item # : 300990302913. And ebay seller is batterygalaxy

A link would be in your feedback file. The number you gave looks like a transaction number.

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선택된 해법

@sabiniano that is correct. what you purchased is strictly the front glass. From the part description of your item "This product is for a glass replacement lens and an 8-piece tool kit. It does not include a touch digitizer or LCD assembly." So looks like you got what you ordered. Now to install that, you are going to have your hands full. Take a look on here to see what you are up against. If you have never done this, chances for a good repair are low. You may need to consider the replacement of the complete assembly.

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Don't be so pessimistic Mike the 3GS is a lot easier to replace as the glass is bonded only by tape around the edge unless someone else replaced the glass and glued it in another repair. So it shouldn't be that hard

@ Jimfixer easier but still a pain:-)

thank you both for your answers. that particular tutorial showed the glass with digitizer and i have not found a a tutorial involving only the glass. i don't want to waste a lot of time on a phone i don't use anymore but just want to replace it and perhaps use it for other than a phone. also the feeling of accomplishing a task, even a small one will be worth the more expensive price of buying the whole front assembly. I will just keep the glass in case i end up breaking the next one i order, which will be with the whole front assembly. again, thank you both.

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