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다섯 번째 Google Nexus 휴대폰. 2013년 10월 31일에 공식 발표되었으며 4.95” 1080p 스크린, 2.26GHz Snapdragon 프로세서 및 LTE 지원을 자랑합니다. Android 4.4.2, KITKAT. 제조사는 LG.

222 질문 전체 보기

Motherboard repair nexus 5

hi my nexus 5 mobile screen is black however the touch still works on it and also i can receive calls through it as well so i thought the flex cable and screen needed replaced so i did that however i still get the same problem, when i was checking over the board today a component was hanging off i have looked at the schematics and have narrowed it down to a coil under the name l9000 however if someone can check i am right i have provided pics below


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@ambisingh you are correct. that is L9000 and the rest of your markings are correct as well.

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@oldturkey03 Do you know what the vaule of l9000 would be or what that component is called??

Looks like a 10u Henry fixed inductor (reference designator "L" indicators that). as for the size you'd have to measure it to get the proper one. Check on here

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