No connection to my computer

When the USB cable from the Sansa Clip is connected to my Windows 10 computer there is no indication of the connection on the computer.

Originally I connected through Rhapsody, but that doesn't work anymore.

Which means that I can't add or delete music or update.

Is there some other program that will enable the connection? Does anyone else have this problem? Is there anyone who can help?

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Just verifying. that the player shows a charging indication when you connect it to a PC? This is just to prove that the cable is OK.

You could try deleting the old drivers for your device and then plugging in the device again and see if Windows "finds" it.

Don't know if this works in Win10 but go to Device Manager >View, click Show Hidden Devices, then see if you can find the device listed. If so, right click on it and select uninstall. Then restart your PC and then plug in your player and see if Windows finds it

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