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Why does the screen go black when gas range spark igniters fire?

My tv screen goes black when the spark igniters for my gas stove are activated. This is a new problem. The stove and the tv have been installed for several years with no problem before.

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Seems as though the EMR ( ElectroMagneticRadiation) produced by the ignitors may be interfering with the TV signal.

Has anything been changed at all, for instance the location of the TV, which power outlet it is plugged into, the TV aerial location? What is the model number of your TV and also your gas stove?

Does the screen remain black or does in come back within a short time? Do you have to turn the tv off and back on again to get the picture back?

The screen is black only for the few seconds that the igniters are firing, then it recovers immediately. It's an LG flat screen. I haven't changed anything as far as location, etc. etc. The TV is plugged into an outlet that is on the same circuit as the stove, but that has always been the case. I have checked the grounding on the circuit and it checks out ok. The gas stove is a Kenmore.

Whoa u should be very careful like who knows what's gonna happen

Idk about that I mean it would be best not to ask me cause idk about that I mean that's bad it should go to junk

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I would check the aerial cable connections to the TV to make sure that they are in good condition and not loose. Also if you can, use the signal strength diagnostic feature usually found in the menu of a digital tv to check the signal strength and quality level of your TV channels signal. If the signal is of lower strength or quality it is more prone to interference than a stronger signal. It may be that there is a problem with your antenna cable or perhaps there is a something new between the transmission tower and your aerial that is partially blocking the signal reducing your received level.

If you have a second TV check the signal level that it is receiving and if it also prone to the interference from the ignitors.

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@Barbara Fleckenstein

It is not harmful to the TV.

The only worry would be if the ignitors take too long a time to light the gas appliance, then there may be a problem with too much gas being released before it is ignited and this could be dangerous.

The spark created by the ignitors generates a lot of frequencies which in essence jam the TV signal being received as the spark "signal" is a lot closer and therefore a lot stronger than the TV signal.

Think of the noise heard in an AM radio when a lightning storm was near or when passing buzzing high tension power lines in a car with the AM radio on.

It is the same thing except with TV signals being digital and not analogue as before, the TV either shows a picture or not or perhaps there is some pixellation seen on the screen, when the TV signal becomes disrupted due to the stronger "jamming" signal from the ignitors.

Follow the suggestions in the Chosen Solution above to check the level of the TV signal and also the antenna connections.

The antenna lead is shielded in an effort to reduce any radiated electrical interference created by lightning, ignitors etc so a bad connection in any of the antenna connections between the TV and the antenna may reduce its effectiveness.

Also if the TV signal is of a low level the problem may be overcome by making sure that the antenna is pointed directly at the broadcast tower to obtain the maximum signal level and if that is still not enough then perhaps a masthead amplifier could be installed between the antenna and the TV to boost the signal level so that the interference has less of an impact or no impact at all.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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