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처리 속도가 빨라진 iPhone 3G 개선 버전. 이 기기의 수리는 3G와 유사하며 간단한 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. 모델 A1303 / 16GB 또는 32GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면.

1502 질문 전체 보기

Right battery for iPhone 3GS 16 GB MC133PO/A

I bought a 616-0435 batter for my iPhone 3 GS and the phone does not start.

Lights up the screen all white, stays like that for some 10,20 seconds, turns off and then goes back to the same initial state.

I do not know the reference of the original battery because it was so "bloated" that was forcing the iPhone case to open.

But was working !

Now I can't put this to work.

Wrong battery ?

Wrong iOS ?

I don't know for sure but I think I still had iOS 6 on the 3GS.

Any help is welcome.

PS: I think I read almost any article related to this with no answer for my case.

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@gpecurto with the iPhone 3GS the magical APN appears to be 616-0435 with a 0431 being right there as well. .> Check on THE DEFINITIVE ANSWER ON BATTERY APNs. You may just have gotten a bad battery. I would definitely try another new battery and since they are still available try a 616-0431 as well.

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thanks a lot.

I'll try that

I was going to do that, but it seems that the shipping costs are 10€ for a battery that costs 14.95€ and fits an evelope...


@gpecurto I totally understand that. I am certain that there are places closer to you that sell the batteries with those APN numbers.

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