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다섯 번째 Google Nexus 휴대폰. 2013년 10월 31일에 공식 발표되었으며 4.95” 1080p 스크린, 2.26GHz Snapdragon 프로세서 및 LTE 지원을 자랑합니다. Android 4.4.2, KITKAT. 제조사는 LG.

222 질문 전체 보기

Random Black Screen On my Nexus 5 Marshmellow

So my nexus 5 works fine, at times, but somtimes i get a random black screen. The phone is still on, after a few seconds it comes back and its like nothing

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Hi, Just wondering. Does it happen when you are using a particular app?Also maybe there are too many apps 'running' at the one time for the amount of memory. Have you checked for malware?

its happend un various applications, and I always close an app when I'm finished. How do I check the malware?

sounds like more a hardware than software problem, but I would flash factory images anyways


use the latest one for hammerhead n5

i also think its hardware, but if it is, what could it be?

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답변 1개

I presume it is because of the sensor activation.

Go to Settings-> Display & Lights.

Disable Ambient Display; Double-tap to sleep.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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Kevin Paniagua 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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