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2015년 3월에 발표, 2015년 4월 10일에 출시된 Galaxy S6은 Galaxy 라인의 다음 주력 제품입니다. 곡선형 스크린 버전은 Galaxy S6 Edge로 알려져 있습니다.

488 질문 전체 보기

My phone will not connect to a network.

Can't make phone calls 's or text messages

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Hi, Have you tried your SIM card in another compatible network phone to see if it works? Have you tried a known working network compatible SIM card in your phone to see if it works? What have you tried?

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The reason your phone isn't able to connect to a network tells me your phones imie has been blacklisted.Did u buy the fone second hand?If so chances are it's been stolen or someone got it on contract then stopped paying for it and now it's blocked,If you look up a guy in the states called Minnesota mobile guy Anyway for 60dollars he is able to change your imie and ur fone will now work on any carrier.The reason I'm telling u this is cause my S6 was blacklisted and he fixed it for me.I didn't even have to send the fone,All u do is connect it to ur laptop then internet and he does it all in 15 mins,I'm in uk and this guy is 3000 miles away yet he fixed it.Thanks Nathan Minnesota mobile guy

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Hello bud did you not have a unit that you used to fit custom car sound system installs called Moore sounds in tradeston Glasgow as I remember being there a few times

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jose avalos 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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