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2016년 4월 출시 159g, 8.1mm 두께 Android OS, v6.0.1 16GB 저장 용량, microSD 카드 슬롯

75 질문 전체 보기

replace the outter screen

Hi i was wondering how much it would cost to replace the outter screen on my samsung j5 where the back key is based i dropped it and it cracked just that bit of the screen

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@shazzy32 not quite sure what you are referring to as the outer screen. It sounds like you broke the glass. Post some images with your question so we can see what you need. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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@shazzy32 check this video for the actual repair. Depending on your damage, it may be necessary to replace the complete assembly. Cost for that is around $70USD

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