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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

How to fix water damaged iPhone 5c?

Hi. My phone got wet when I went kayaking in a canal (brackish water) when I capsized. When I got home I immediately put it in a container of rice. After about a week of sitting in rice I attempted to charge it. After charge the screen remained black (and unresponsive) with only the rear camera flash staying permanently on as well as the proximity sensor (little red light next to front speaker). Unplugging the phone obviously runs the battery flat and the flash turns off. That was roughly three weeks ago. However inspired by my brother's phone's miraculous recovery (turned on after being dropped in water months ago and working good as new) I reattempted to charge and fix my phone. Upon plugging my phone in nothing happened except the phone heating up quite a bit. Having now replaced the battery, still the same happened. However after removing the plate protecting the connections where the screen connects to the logic board, (It felt the hottest to touch and so I removed it) the phone whilst still being unresponsive appears to have stopped heating up (mostly, its still a little warm but no where near as much) and the proximity sensor has come back. I am considering soaking the logic board in alcohol but am otherwise as a bit of a loss. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

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The rice myth kills too many phones...

The worst thing you did was let water fester and corrode your phone for a week while it was sitting in rice. The water is in the phone, on the logic board and under the shields, even under the IC's. The rice is nowhere near where the water is...so how can it possibly help your phone?

Phones that recover from water damage unattended would have recovered rice or no rice...this myth has to die.

Sorry about that, now on to helping you.

  • Open your phone and remove the logic board (follow this guide)
  • Inspect the logic board, especially around the connectors and look for corrosion.
  • Inspect both sides of the board. Unfortunately, 80% of the board is covered in shields. That's usually where the damage is occurring.
  • Put your board in a container with >90% isopropyl alcohol and let it sit for a while.
  • Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush and lightly brush away any corrosion you see.
  • Rinse in alcohol and repeat.
  • Let it air dry for a day.
  • Re-assemble and hope for the best.

A professional repair shop that does water damage repair may be able to recover your phone or the data because they have access to pro-level ultrasonic baths and specialized cleaners as well as the skills to troubleshoot your board.

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