F02 error after pump replacement

I am fixing my sisters washing machine. I found a replacement pump after going through all of the fixes I found on this site clean drain filter, check hoses etc. I even went as far as taking the hoses off and using large buckets to drain the water into in order to be certain the pump was the culprit and it seemed the logical next step. I found the exact pump online ordered it and replaced the pump. I ran a small load and it got the f02 error but with pausing and continuing the cycle a few times I was able to limp it through. The next day my sister ran a very small load and it went through no problem. The next day ran a normal load and it got stopped with the f02 error. I cancelled and ran a drain and spin and it managed to finish. Yesterday I ran it empty through a rinse and spin and then a regular wash cycle and it ran all the way through both times. Today it ran 2 very small loads no problem but it has a moment where it beeps for a slight second like it is about to give the f02 error but continues.

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Hi, Not sure if what I am about to say makes sense but I'm wondering if the "drain time" is somehow coupled with the water level sensor.(in the control board) It must know how much water is in there to allow enough time for it to drain. Unless it is the same amount of time regardless of water level.

When run "empty" there is no impediment to the water being pumped out whereas with a load the flow is restricted somewhat.

Does it "fill" correctly to the selected level?

Just a thought.

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