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모델 A1181: 1.83, 2, 2.1, 2.13, 2.16, 2.2, 또는 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

1205 질문 전체 보기

Optical Drive seems to be making more noise?

My optical superdrive seem to be louder than it was before when inserting and removing disks. It sounds really mechanical and when you compare it to a different macbook it seems quite loud. It is a late 2006 model - is this normal?

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Look at the drive slot - is it smiling at you? If so, then the noise is probably coming from the disc rubbing again the plastic of the case. It is common for this area to become deformed, as the plastic is thin here. The primary cause seems to be carrying the macbook around open, squeezing down over the optical drive area.

If you still have AppleCare on this unit, I would take it in to an Apple Store or AASP to have the drive replaced.

If not, you can try to carefully work the plastic back to its normal shape using a wooden tongue depressor, or other fairly soft tool - DO NOT USE METAL! Only work the plastic, do not go in and deform the metal drive mechanism itself.

Good Luck!

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Will it do any damage if I leave it as it is?

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it happens. more frequently than not. Buy a new drive and replace it, its fairly easy to do... try davids methods, and if that doesnt cut it, replacing it is a walk in the park

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