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Samsung의 5-세대 Android-기반 Galaxy 스마트폰은 2014년 4월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 이 휴대폰은 지문 스캐너, 최신 카메라, 대형 화면 및 방수 기능이 개선되었습니다. 네 가지 색상으로 제공됩니다; 검정, 파랑, 흰색 및 구리.

577 질문 전체 보기

Something came off my phone but it still works fine.. Please Help.


Every weekend i take out the battery, sim-card and micro-SD card of my samsung galaxy s5, and clean out my phone with a toothbrush. This time while i was cleaning it, one of the copper contacts fell out from one of the holes that are to the left of the camera lens. The phones still seems to work but i dont know if it will continue to do so or not. Please if anyone knows what this clip is used for do, Please answer.

Pictures of clip and phone:


Block Image


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Guys pls answer :'[

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from the explanation I am receiving, I assume you are speaking of the four gold prongs that sticks out a small amount.

If you are talking about these, they are connectors for inductive charging, and only have a function when you purchase a special back cover to use for this charging method. you will not notice a failure as long as you continue to charge it through USB

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