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Samsung에서 제조한 Samsung Galaxy Note 5는 (Note5로 불림) 스타일러스를 탑재한 phablet/패블릿 스타일 휴대폰입니다, 2015년 8월 출시.

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Can I transfer my pictures and information off my phone?

My screen on my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 broke, the LED light indicators still work but the main screen is black and does not work. I have ordered a new phone, but I would like to know if I can still get all my pictures and data off my original phone and transfer it to my new phone? I have a passcode on my original phone but obviously I can not enter it due to the screen being black.

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Samsung has software for moving files off of a phone on to a pc via the usb cable, however like you say you need to have it unlocked, and also a setting turned on.

It really depends on how much this data is worth to you. I'd advise looking for a second hand screen somewhere that is cracked or smashed, not completely broken, you still need it to work and using that to get your data back.

Or even better, find a new screen, replace it, or have it replaced by a professional, get your data off it, and sell the phone to offset the price of your new one.

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The pictures on my phone are from the day my daughter was born and are not backed up so they are very important but to buy a new screen to fix it would be almost $300 which I can not afford and I have not been able to fine a used screen.

Like I say you could get a cracked/damaged screen for a fraction of the price.

I'm looking at ebay right now, and found this, it says it has water damage, so the phone doesn't work BUT there's a good chance that the screen does and all you need is the screen.

For $35 dollars it might be worth a try.


Or what you could try doing is going to a high street phone repair place and explaining to them, most usually have screens that they use for diagnostic purposes, you could ask them to lend you one, then you could upload the photos to google drive or dropbox and that way you don't have to leave the store, tell them you'd pay a token fee for the trouble.

Let me know if this helps.

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Download Samsung SmartSwitch. You can use it to download from your old phone and restore it to the new phone if it is also a Samsung.

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