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146 질문 전체 보기

washing machine is not good


due a obviously big mistake my LG G5 experienced the thrill of a ride in washing machine.

When I noticed it I block the washing machine shut down the phone unmount it and dry it.

The phone now is working fine except for the wifi that is not working anymore, every time I try to activate it the phone try to activate the component but after a while nothing appen.

I've also noticed that the battery live for 4/5 ours and I think that the problem is located to the wifi because the phone constantly try to activate it.

Anyone have a suggestion to fix it?

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@bigsmurf just like any other submerged device, it is a bit of a guessing game as in how your phone will respond to a proper cleaning. The importance right now is to not turn it on, or trying to sync/charge it. Use these guides to remove the battery and disassemble it right down to the logic board. Remove all EMI shields and clean everything with isopropyl alcohol (90%+) and a soft brush, including all connectors and cable ends. Check for any burned or missing components. You may have to repeat this step a couple of times. Once it is cleaned, reassemble it and replace the battery, then reevaluate for any real damage. Right now, everything will only be a guess, and the longer you wait the more corroded it will get.

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