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2015년 9월 25일 출시. Model A1687/A1634. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 6, 64, 또는 128GB / 은색, 금색, 스페이스 그레이 및 로즈 골드로 제공하였습니다.

1041 질문 전체 보기

Tristar PADS trace expose

Hi. After I removed the tristar IC I noticed some near by coppper traces are exposed. See picture. How do I cover or mask these exposed copper traces so they don't bridge or short when soldering a new IC? What is product I need to mask them. Can I use LOCA glue which is used to bond the glass and the LCD? Thank

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First of all, how much heat did you apply and with what kind of tools? There is extensive damage in the surrounding area to Tristar. You will need to clean everything up prior to attempting to replace the IC, solder mask notwithstanding. If you don't have the proper tools, you could severely damage your phone so you need to think this through.

As far as hiding the exposed copper traces, you want to use a UV curable solder mask. It will be resistant to heat which is necessary when you solder Tristar in place. This is what micro-solderers typically use. You will also need a UV lamp to "cure" the mask. You will need to look up for some videos on Youtube to understand how to do this properly.

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you can most likley use a Green Overcoat pen its used to cover damaged traces on computer boards im not sure how it would work in the iphone logic board but its worth a shot


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I just found this website http://www.circuitrework.com/guides/2-4-... On how to exposed copper trace

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Hi. I have no luck repairing the tristar IC. A lot of PADS are missing. It is unrepairable. My next step is to see if I can swap the ICs from this phone to another phone with the same type. This is what I got. I have two 6s plus:

Phone #1: 6s plus T-Mobile, everything is working fine except it's iCloud locked.

Phone #2: 6s plus Verizon unlock, this is the phone I was trying to repair the tristar IC but at this point there more than 5 missing pads. These pads can't be repair even with micro jumpers. Other than the is phone and no iCloud locked.

Here is my questions. What are the ICs from phone #2 I can remove and transfer to phone #1 which is iCloud unlock. Will phone #1 become iCloud unlock if The swap is successfully? What I am trying to do here is trying to replace the ICs on the iCloud locked phone with the ICs from the damage tristar phone. Can you tell me what are the critical ICs to make the swap?

Thank you so much?

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Keep in mind that as far as BGA work goes, tristar is pretty easy. Your latter question is theoretically possible, but in practice extremely difficult. Try to avoid using wick on pads when you can. All those exposed traces indicate some excessive rubbing on the board.

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