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The NutriBullet by the makers of Magic Bullet is a personal blender that is self-contained and simple to use. It includes an electric blender base with a number of attachments for the user and offers a healthy alternative to blending food by breaking down ingredients in their most nutritious states.

65 질문 전체 보기

loud bang and smoke coming from motor

I have had my nutribullet for approximately 3 weeks. I have been using according to al guidelines. This morning a few seconds after the motor shut off there was a loud bang and then smoke started coming from the motor with electric burn smell.

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@shonabass, Shona, It sounds like a internal part has let go/broken. Since the blender is fairly new return to place of purchase for replacement/refund. If for some reason you do not wish to return, the link below is a disassembly guide that will get you inside blender to perhaps see/test which part has failed(this may void warranty). Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

Magic Bullet NutriBullet Activator Replacement

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